Friday 30 December 2016

Add Value not just Resolutions

Good day friends, it's been an awesome 2016 and I believe the New Year will be greater in manifolds in Jesus name. As usual,  I bet a lot of us have our resolutions written down and the rest of us have thought them out in our minds waiting for the New Year to come.
It is a norm in the financial institutions, especially banks,  I remember those days when we prepare balance sheet in class, if one item is missing, you are sure not to have a balanced sheet,  well why not sit down and take stock of the goals and resolutions you made when 2016 was a New Year. 
You might think you have not achieved much but still be grateful because here is another opportunity for you to make the best of the New Year.
Now,  a lot of people spent most of their 2016 passing blames and insulting the government, yeah,  it was a tough year but I am amazed when I go out and see new structures, and see people buying new cars,  could it be that they have two heads or maybe like many myopic minds think,  they will claim they do money rituals. While I think those things exist, I also believe there are people who know how to draw out gold from the the rock.
Don't get tired yet,  just stay with me please....
So complains and frustration was the order if the day for many people but I have a question for you? What value have you added to make you think you deserve a whole lot of money. Don't say there is no market. Well that's why there is something called self development. Do you ever wonder why some people in the same business prosper more than their colleague, Africans please don't think about juju now,  it's there but not everyone is into it.
So what am I saying people, you could write a text book on resolutions but it will be fulfilling all requirements of things people do in the New Year,  if you don't think of developing your self and adding value, if you thought 2016 was tough,  the New Year might not be any different.
If any one wants to eat,  they must work and not just work,  render quality services and expect the best. This is not the only requirement for the success of the New Year but it is an important part of it. Change your mindset, think about what value to add,  if you are a tailor, step up your game,  if you make shoes,  browse and get more knowledge to know trending styles... Whatever your hand finds doing do it well. If you can talk,  don't talk away, learn the act of public speaking, who knows if that's where your breakthrough lies.
By all means,  invest in learning,  develop your self and the people you are begging for money today would run after you because of the value you can add to their life. Don't be a thorn in people's flesh,  be a blessing.
Wish you a happy New Year in advance. Remember, it's not about adding resolutions.  It's about adding value. See you next year.
Radiant Pheobe © 2016

Sunday 20 November 2016

When the mood is different.

In psychology, we were taught a lot about the mind, emotions, mood and yeah mood swings and as a person I realize how our emotions can make or break us. Before you continue reading, check the picture.

Now let's talk. Emotions huh!  Y'all know how that goes especially when you are in a relationship. It goes high and low. You might be having a bad day and your partner wants you getting excited over something nice that happened and when you don't show the excitement, they feel something is wrong.

Hmm!  Ladies, we love attention you know and sometimes we make a big mistake by equating the emotions or response of our partner with the love they have for us.  Girl, give the brother some space, cut the slacks. He might be thinking of his business or something and you want to be hearing only love talk, well talk won't always pay bills you know.... I think I am guilty too. Lolz

Well,  I think if people can master their emotions and don't let it be judge, when they understand that it's not every time the other person is in the mood for what you want,  then probably, there will be less quarrels in the home.

People breakup and divorce for many silly reasons but I was reading Gary Chapman's four seasons of marriage last week and realized that it's not always going to be easy,  there will be the very sweet time and the not so sweet time but you got to work it out and don't look for the shortest cut out.

If you think your partner is not worth your time, if you think they are bad people and you think the lady or guy in the office making passes at you or that one you have allowed into your friend zone forming emotional attachment with is better off. Check it, you might be on the road to having a very complicated life.

So if you are single but in a serious relationship, don't breakup like a chicken. Make it work except you are sure it's not God's will for you. Let God take the lead so you both can make it to the altar in grand style. If you are married and you totally feel you have made a mistake, hmm!  Divorce is never the first option. Try to get help, read books go for counseling and most importantly, pray and let God know you want your marriage to work. Miracles still happen.

So when you get to the point where the tingles and sparks have disappeared, when you are not in the mood to talk, what keeps you going is the commitment you made. The meme inspired this write up. I loved it and love the writer. I hope you keep reading my blog, many exciting stuff will be posted for your edification .  Thanks for visiting. Happy New week.

Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

When you are not in the mood.

In psychology, we were taught a lot about the mind, emotions, mood and yeah mood swings and as a person I realize how our emotions can make or break us. Before you continue reading, check the picture.

Now let's talk. Emotions huh!  Y'all know how that goes especially when you are in a relationship. It goes high and low. You might be having a bad day and your partner wants you getting excited over something nice that happened and when you don't show the excitement, they feel something is wrong.

Hmm!  Ladies, we love attention you know and sometimes we make a big mistake by equating the emotions or response of our partner with the love they have for us.  Girl, give the brother some space, cut the slacks. He might be thinking of his business or something and you want to be hearing only love talk, well talk won't always pay bills you know.... I think I am guilty too. Lolz

Well,  I think if people can master their emotions and don't let it be judge, when they understand that it's not every time the other person is in the mood for what you want,  then probably, there will be less quarrels in the home.

People breakup and divorce for many silly reasons but I was reading Gary Chapman's four seasons of marriage last week and realized that it's not always going to be easy,  there will be the very sweet time and the not so sweet time but you got to work it out and don't look for the shortest cut out.

If you think your partner is not worth your time, if you think they are bad people and you think the lady or guy in the office making passes at you or that one you have allowed into your friend zone forming emotional attachment with is better off. Check it, you might be on the road to having a very complicated life.

So if you are single but in a serious relationship, don't breakup like a chicken. Make it work except you are sure it's not God's will for you. Let God take the lead so you both can make it to the altar in grand style. If you are married and you totally feel you have made a mistake, hmm!  Divorce is never the first option. Try to get help, read books go for counseling and most importantly, pray and let God know you want your marriage to work. Miracles still happen.

So when you get to the point where the tingles and sparks have disappeared, when you are not in the mood to talk, what keeps you going is the commitment you made. The meme inspired this write up. I loved it and love the writer. I hope you keep reading my blog, many exciting stuff will be posted for your edification .  Thanks for visiting. Happy New week.

Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Friday 18 November 2016

And it came to pass...

Rise and shine people, it's a beautiful day today and we should be grateful for it,  say a quick thank you to God for the gift of life and the fact that you are reading this post tells me something... It tells me that you are not blind.  Even if everything is not working at least you got your eyes and your eyes gives you sight and the sight gives you vision.

Vision a vast word used among the church circles but lately, I Am learning that it is not just by the things you see when your eyes are closed but those you see even with your eyes open.

Your desires, your purpose, your aspirations, your assignment. You should not just sleep and expect dreams to come through,wake up and live your dreams,  make adequate plans,  do not be afraid to fail because the fear of failure is the failure itself.

I thought so low of myself before,  you might roll your eyes and don't believe it probably because you think otherwise about me.  Well I really still under estimate myself at times but one thing I have done so far is to give myself an evidence of doubt and tell myself it wouldn't hurt to try.

Mumsy used to say to us those days,  she is a complete African mother trust me. When we are celebrating being among the first five or first ten in class, she gives you the look and says "why did you not come first,  does the person that came first have two heads,  is he not a person like you? " I never could wrap my mind around the concept but she always wanted us to be the best.

Now what am I saying self,  I can't say I have my life all figured out but there is this peace you have knowing that there is a Lord over your life who knows your end from the beginning. Yeah,  don't say she is going all religious again.  Well I can't help it but acknowledge He who is the author of this life and who gives grace and beauty.

God is gracious and trust me, He makes the pepper red in due time. What is it that your hand has found doing, do it with all your heart. Don't start doing it to impress anybody. Just do it with passion,  because soon that passion will pay off and where you never thought you would be, well about that... You have to start thinking you would be great because as a man thinks so is it.

Your present condition may fall short of what your mind sees but then the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. When you are old and wrinkled, when you have come to the evening time of your life,  you can call your children and children's children and declare these words "AND IT CAME TO PASS...."

Fill in the blank spaces now that you have the heart then live out the story you want to pass down as a legacy. It's Saturday,  make the most of your weekend. Love,  live,  laugh. God bless you.

Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Tuesday 8 November 2016


One of the greatest investment a man can ever make is investing in  himself.
Now I do not mean it in the selfish way but how  will you be earthly relevant and be a blessing to yourself and the society when you have refused to grow and be developed?
The end product of self development is so you can be in a better place to be a solution to others, add value to lives so that when you leave this part of eternity,  you would leave large footprints in the earth that the winds of time can not erase.

This book seeks to take you on a journey and going half way would not get you to your destination. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. The first step is to place your order now by calling these numbers: 08172662772 and 07032725371 for a cheap price of #1500.
Readers are leaders, success doesn't come as a result of shouting amen to a prayer but in conscious and deliberate efforts. Start investing in yourself by getting a copy of this book.
Be the first to place your order....

© Radiant Pheobe 2016.

Wednesday 2 November 2016



Did you know that there are two major things that can stimulate creative thinking?

The first is intensely desired goals, and the second is pressing problems. Your creative capacities need something to hone in on and your job is to provide it.

*A Continual Stimulus for Ideas*
Intensely desired goals, clearly defined with detailed plans for their accomplishment act as a continual stimulus for ideas to achieve them.

To trigger your imagination, write out a clear description of your ideal end result or goal. Be clear about the goal, be flexible about the process. Think about it, visualize it as realized over and over. Project your mind forward to the picture of the realized goal and then look back to the present.

Think on paper. Make a plan and then work on the plan, updating it, changing it, adding to it as you think of new ways to work toward the goal. The more clearly defined and keenly desired your goals, the more of your natural creativity will be released for goal attainment.

*The Proper Approach to Problems*
The second stimulant to creativity is pressing problems. The key to idea generation when you face a problem is to approach the problem confidently, expectantly, with the attitude that there exists a logical, practical solution just waiting to be found.

The most creative people have a relaxed attitude of confident expectancy that causes their minds to function in original and imaginative ways.

Define your problems clearly in writing. Accurate diagnosis is half the cure. Sometimes you will find that you are dealing with a "cluster problem," one that is made up of several smaller problems. Your job is to sort them out and then go to work on each one separately.

In many cluster problems, there is a core issue surrounded by a lot of symptoms. Creative thinking requires that you separate the core issue, and then focus on resolving that before worrying about the smaller problems.

To your creativity,

_Twitter: @BabsOgundimu_

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Mercy Found You by Lady Maranatha

Today's Nugget: Mercy found you.

You had it all planned, you had strategize and everything seemed just perfect then time for implementation came and everything flopped, You were so mad @ yourself ,you felt so inadequate, so dull and so unfortunate. You sank into depression and  thought in your heart...what is wrong with me? How come I couldn't pull that off? Do I ever get anything right? on and so forth. Having considered all that, you should consider this too .
Sometimes it is divine intervention that our plans or ideas don't see the light of day. So many times God tries to communicate his non involvement in our plans or decisions but we are so dogged, so deaf we do not hear "the voice" and so blind we do not see the red light so in his mercy, he alternatively refuses to let those plans and decisions that do not take its root in him to succeed.
The ideas were not influenced by him and the inspiration were not gotten from him hence it doesn't carry his mark of approval. He won't just let it come through so he doesn't lose us.
What  am saying is that, it's mercy that we fail at the things God did not ordain for us. So next time you strategize and it flops, you should ask God whats up, inquire if its his way of drawing you close before you knock yourself off for being a failure so that you don't defeat the aim of the exercise.  He's got several approach and he uses the one he deems fit so he can bring us back to our senses once again.
Some of the disappointments and set backs were meant to be  pointers, to point or send us in the right direction.
We must learn to align with heaven so we know the mind of God and bring it to bear on the earth. Let's reach for God, know him some more and pick signals in the spirit realm so we don't have to learn the hard way.

#its ya Lady Maranatha.

For more inspiring and motivational write up,  Radiant Pheobe's blog is where you should be.

Monday 17 October 2016


I took life for granted until I saw what life really is
Is life for fun and for play alone
Alone though not lonely we are
Are we not just living with no focus in view

I looked and I saw pretty babies held tight by the grip of death.
Death lurking at hospitals and clinic wards but not those places alone, it stands at every corner and street,  main road and highways,  Bush paths and route...

I sat and I thought, how do people die, you see them a second ago and you turn and they are lying dead on the floor, staring into empty nothingness.
People die, not like they imagined, kids who have not started to dream, youths whose dream are yet to be fulfilled, adults who are yet to reap the fruit of their labor.

Though death lurks at every corner, mishap, pain and misery holds down even great men but I have come with good news,  weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

Though people die everyday... The good thing is that, people live everyday
Some are choked by lives miseries but others choose to survive it.
Choose you this day, life or death,  live like today is the last day, be happy, love, work, smile more, make someone happy and fulfil purpose.

Put in your best into whatever you find doing for now is the only time you have, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is in God's hands and yeah...God is gracious enough to give us life everyday. I pray for you this day as you read up to this point that your life will count and when your time to leave this side of eternity comes, you will sleep soundly knowing that yours was a life well lived.

Till I come your way next time, keep living well.
© Radiant Pheobe 2016.

Friday 9 September 2016

Radiant Weddings: It's official, She is A Bride!!!

If the pre-wedding photos did wonders and made people start considering love again. The wedding pictures will make you propose after being a "lord of the ring" for so long. Yes it has happened. You should see the happy couple and I pray,  such blessings will never cease.
© RadiantPheobe2016.

Monday 5 September 2016

Inspiration Monday; There is Gold In You!

Its easy, I mean very easy to conclude that just because someone resides in castles, mansions, nice cars, stunning cloths, great material endowments etc, it transmits into their inner lives. No! Its not always the case.
Admiration of others is good only if it spurs you to work harder, devastating if you allow it reduce you to mediocre.
In conversation with the sky yesterday as I sought to plead for a spot to shine, I realised that there are still lots of room to accommodate billions of more stars. As a matter of fact the heavenly body will never buckle as a result of the 'stars' it can carry so your own spot is there if you choose to claim it.
If you knew a large deposition of gold is buried beneath your land you may not let it be tilled for any other purpose other than to extract your 'gold' lest you lose it, you will guard it with your life but again consider the great effort you will expend if you wanted to get that 'gold' out. You will mine, extract an ore of the 'gold' which you will still refine.
Now this is a written reminder that you have great deposit of 'gold' in you, so you should carry yourself with confidence not being reduced by others and not forgetting that you have to deal thoroughly with yourself to extract such 'gold' and claim your own spot in the sky.
© Eduoh Victor, 2016.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Radiant Pheobe's version of Mary's Love story. September 3rd a day she will not forget till forever.

I love weddings,  I love "Love stories"  and yes my friend has one, this is just my version using her pre-wedding photos. To hear the original version, you have to be at the wedding.
September, a new month, new beginning for us all. If you love what you see, just contact me.
Click her to see full story.


Wednesday 31 August 2016

*No Lack Or Want* (A reality or Farce?)

Happy New month people. This was the first online devotional I read today and I believe it's a word for all Nigerians. How great it is to be reminded of the sufficiency in Christ even in the midst of scarcity.

It's Rhapsody of Realities

*Pastor Chris Oyakhilome*

Thursday, September 1st .

_But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)_

Paul understood the message of the new creation; notice that he didn’t say, “My God shall supply all our need….” *He knew that the new creation isn’t in lack or want; the new creation doesn’t need to be “supplied”; he’s the supplier!* Romans 8:17 says we’re heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ. Paul, with this understanding, said to the spiritually immature, “But my God shall supply all your need….”

*When you’ve come of age, you’ll realize that in Christ, we don’t have any unmet needs.* Matthew 6:33 says, “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” When you seek the Kingdom of God first, every good thing you could ever wish for would be added to your life, without you having to ask. You won’t need to try to be happy, fulfilled or triumphant in life; you won’t need to pursue the things that the Gentiles seek: fame, money, recognition, acceptance, etc.; they shall be added unto you.

This doesn’t mean that after you’ve first sought and got the Kingdom of God, then you can go and seek other things; no. Seek the Kingdom, and you’ll get the rest of them combined. You may say, “Yeah, that’s why I’m seeking the Kingdom of God.” No, don’t seek anymore; you already found it, if you’re born again; *you’re already in the Kingdom, and the Kingdom is in you (Luke 17:21)*. *To have the Kingdom is to have all things*. Glory to God!

Don’t look at what you may consider a need; look at what He’s lavishly made available to you in Christ. *You were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ; that means you’ve been brought into oneness, partnership or family-union with Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9)*. If this is true (and it is true), what in the world could you ever be in need of? Affirm God’s Word in your life; He has said all things are yours; declare the same, because truly, there’s nothing you require that hasn’t been provided in Christ. Hallelujah!

*Further Study*

_2 Peter 1:3_

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

_Psalm 34:10_

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good [thing].

_1 Corinthians 3:21-22_

Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;
22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;


I testify that all things are mine! I lack nothing, because the Lord is my sufficiency; He makes me lie down in green pasture; He leads me beside the still waters! His divine power has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. Glory to His Name forever!

*Daily Scripture Reading*

_1-Year Bible Reading Plan_

1 Corinthians 15:35-58,
Proverbs 8-9

_2-Year Bible Reading Plan_

1 Thessalonians 2:10-20,
Jeremiah 18

Don't forget to share with others do they can receive faith into their spirit to help them through this month.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Recap of an interview with Gahzahr: New single Tosan in view.

Every time I see or get a link of this man's song,  I say "Wow! I like this one better than the last one." Yes I thought Jingina was the peak but he blew my mind with #Tosan. He made me happy I am a woman. This song will help every lady,  girl, woman,  mother,  grandma, sister, aunty and every other office you can claim as a female. It gives you a sense of worth and high esteem. Many still don't know him, but I can solve that while I look forward to having another interview in this updated state of his life. Keep moving on brother.
Here is a recap of it,  read and enjoy.
Download Today here
You are welcome to today’s edition on Radiant Stars with Pheobe, I am your host Pheobe Omiwole. It’s always interesting to bring to you one among the many stars and today the spot light is on a man I respect so much, he is a gospel rap minister, I prefer to call him that rather than artiste. Mr Gahzahr, can you please introduce yourself?

My names are Adamu Danladi Gaza but as an artiste I prefer it spelt Gahzahr. An indigene of the FCT, a graduate of sociology from Nasarawa state university, a patriot, songwriter and artiste.

Common now! Now that’s an interesting profile. A patriot huh! So tell us, when did it all start? The rap music I mean.

Uhmm… It started way back in secondary school, year 2005 to be precise.

Wow! So have you always been into gospel rap from the beginning?

Nah! Started with secular rap due to the influences around me at the time and did that until 2011.

Hmm! So what caused the change in 2011. You know rap as a genre of music is just gaining preeminence in gospel music here in Nigeria. I was never the rap fan but then the likes of you changed my opinion about rap. Now back to the question, what caused the change of heart in 2011?

It was at Word Warring Youth Network’s booth camp I realized I could be more than just another secular rapper seeking fame and fortune but a voice via the gifting of rap and music which is my area of strength. It was precisely during a prayer session it hit me and I knew I had gotten to a turning point and ever since, his grace has sustained me.

Wow! Glory to God! I believe another camp meeting is by the corner, you will do well if you are in keffi and its environs to be in this year’s booth camp coming up later this month. So do you have an album yet?

Not yet! But I released a mixtape earlier this year. Looking forward to working on an album as a lot of people thinks its due but it just doesn’t feel right yet, when the time comes I’d know. Meanwhile I might do an EP before the year runs out.

Wow! I believe you. I noticed you love what you do and you are diligent about it. I must say I love your rap, the lyrics are deep and the beats are cool, so I am looking forward to whatever you are cooking up. I saw a picture of you sipping from a wooden cup with a hoe on your shoulder, now what does that tell us, another song is warming up to be released right? (Tosan has been released, it's a must hear for everyone)

Lol! Yea.. The concept came from Martins Owa Mathias, one of the best graphic designers I know and its for a new single set to be released on my birthday 9th of august. There’s a lot around this really, its a rebirth for me and a lot of people are gonna be surprised at the outcome, its not the usual Gazahr at all, maybe we need to discuss the song alone after it drops, a lot of mystery surrounds it.

Wow! Now you are whetting my appetite and yes I will be glad to discuss the song. I should also say Happy birthday in advance, may this rebirth mark a new beginning for you. So Gazahr, can you tell me some of the people who has impacted your life. Those you consider role models?

I always say Christ is my role model but notable people who have impacted my life include Pst. Jessy Danladi(The CityHill Church), Spokesman and Mike Zukerberg. I wanna be a CEO before I’m 30, retire at 40 and tour the world. Lol.

Wow! Great dreams you have there and trust me I believe you can achieve it because you are not a slothful man and you Know your God. So asides rap and music what does Gahzarh do, you just talked about being a CEO. So what other aspect of you do we look out for?

How about we keep that wrapped up and let it unfold over time, but musically this is just a starting phase for me I have greater plans with God helping me.

Hmm! I believe you will be a welcome face on this platform because I know indeed that you will do great things that the world will marvel at. So tell me, where do you see yourself musically in five years time?

Amen! Five years is a long time and I see an international voice, a mentor, endorsements and a voice in the industry to reckon with because I think gospel music has lagged behind way too long, we need to take it further.

Yes sir! We really need to and we will by God’s grace. So Gazahr is a graduate and desires to be a CEO at 30, and retire at 40. I think that’s an awesome plan but then I was wondering where the woman fits into these awesome plan. Now let’s go personal, is Mr Gahzahr in a relationship? I am sure I am not the only curious one here. Lolz.

Hahahahaha.. Oh my God! I wish you didn’t go there. This is where I wish I could play showbiz but then I’d be lying, so yes I am.

Really! Awesome. Like this is amazing. Well since I know I will be having you around at a later date, lets not spill out her identity yet but we can do two aside, trust me no one will hear it from me. Ladies am sorry but there is no vacancy here, check out the next brother.
Gazahr there are a lot of youths out there with talents but they seem confused or waiting for a huge opportunity before they take a step. What’s your advice for them?

If I did that I know I wouldn’t be having this interview with you right now. Am not where I want to be but am not where I used to be. So I urge every youth out there to take the bull by the horn, no one is gonna come fulfill your dreams for you, until you set it in motion your helpers won’t locate you, so get up and do something today, the sky is our starting point.

Common now! I guess if I did that, I might not be interviewing you in the first place. Youths wake up and start living your dreams.

True! Its applicable to every one.

It has been an awesome time with Gahzahr on Radiant Stars with Pheobe. He will be back to discuss the single that is dropping as his birthday gift to us. I am anticipating it, so keep your fingers crossed. Gahzahr thank you for your time.

Thank you so much for having me. I’m honored.

I believe this is just the beginning of great things in your life in Jesus name. To my able readers thank you for staying with me till the end, expect Gahzahr back with the song you won’t forget in a hurry(Now I said that knowing he won't fall my hand. Today is here for us to enjoy.) I remain my humble self Radiant Pheobe. Till I come your way next time with another exciting edition of Radiant Stars with Pheobe, remain blessed.
Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Friday 5 August 2016


Adversity one of the plight about living, the time of worry, the season of complains, a period of lamenting, hours of cries yet with no hope in sight.

If question on success is asked, millions will boost there faith and hit hands to  claim what they have not worked for.

Stop thousands of people on the road and ask "what are they doing to achieve failure?" Strange question right?

After recovering from the sudden shock, a glance at you will come with either a question or the reversed of it.( i.e slap or punch on the face).

We clamour for a better life, great wealth with no hitch in health, hoping for a better tomorrow.

The word " *CHANGE* become rhymes and lyrics in the mouth of many. Arrows, stones,bullets are all cast for it change, Lives gone not to talk of other things wrecked.

Youths are forgetting the ancestral hierarchy, Elders are in a state of delusion. What a time.

Then let the decision be set, brace up and gird your loins for this is the period where the change needs to be changed.

Therefore to experience the change,  you have to be willing to *CHANGE THE CHANGE*

Seat, eat, drink, then think about the journey, the period where hunger brought you tears,

The time where clothes became rags....

That period you got insomnia just to put the C's, B's, and A's in other.....

Or that period it turns to be D,E and F's....

Those times you have to burn it up and sleep on the bench.

The time to fight the mosquito's face to face....

Eating amala with kulikuli.... Rice and gaari....

The time is now, the pain and suffering seems unbearable  but keep  pushing on,  Drive to the land of your success for only the diligent are qualified to walk that road. PUSH ON!!!
©2016. Dr rAY and Radiant Pheobe.

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Day I Saw Pain in Different degrees.

Though it has been a while,  I was never gone,  just doing what I love on a different platform.
I never knew what I was getting into when I was asked to work in the labor ward, I dreaded the thought but felt the experience will be great but when I stepped inside, I knew life had two phases.

Bringing a child into the world at a point is known as pleasure though through some unfortunate events the pleasure is no pleasure but a process to be endured,  if that is not enough,  some enjoy a pleasurable pregnancy period and to others it is hell.

Now,  I know you are wondering where this is going but then,  we get pregnant with ideas,  some from comfort and others through painful experiences,  at some point when your vision starts to grow, you get excited and at other point you seem too tired to carry on but wait,  the time to drop is not yet.

But then,  it comes a point when you just feel like bursting,  it feels like the time for manifestation is here and so you push and keep pushing. Some have it easy,  as easy as labor pains can be for in what is considered easy labor, there is still pain.

You look around and see things working for some people, in your mind you think it's effortless but while you were not watching they were pushing and sweating and by the time you checked, they have delivered and you wonder and say it was easy.

Pain is relative and how we respond and react to it differs,  you choose what you want, if you want the pain to make a fool out of you or a hero. If you let it ruin you or mold you,  if you let it Mar or make you, at the end of the day,  you get to choose what degree of pain you go through and how much you let it affect you.

In a ward with laboring women are those shouting uncontrollably, others groaning deeply, some rolling madly and others sweating without a scream but at the end they all get their results. We all are in labor, full of ideas and innovations but as good as that is with the pressures around would you let the pain kill you or be the pain killer? Selah!

Radiantpheobe © 2016

Monday 1 August 2016

Inspiration Monday: Down but not Defeated by Jenita Jonah.

Many have lost the race because the Gave up EASILY,
many don't understand that the test of pure gold is the moment the fire of life hit them, they chose to remain down.
Many have forgotten that before their mother had them she went through hard labour.
The devil has in one way or the other molded our heart into believing that once we are PUSHed down, we can't be PULLed up again.
We tend to forget that when we get pushed down, we have to pray until we get pulled up.
Most importantly, we have forgotten that BEING DOWN DOESN'T MEAN WE ARE DEFEATED. The bible made us to understand that when we fall seven times, we will rise again but it takes three things to make us rise after falling, they are: PRAYERS, FAITH AND PATIENCE.
Likewise, we should always remember that for every end there must be a start, and to every start there's definitely an end.
A farmer who sows in tears  will reap in joy.
For every duplex or mansion that is built..there is always a foundation.
Failing doesn't make us failures, it only open doors of opportunities to try again. Being down doesn't mean you are only means you need to be PUSHed before you will be PULLed.
Welcome to a new beginning...Its AUGUST.
Jenica Jonah © 2016.

Saturday 11 June 2016

RADIANT HEALTH CORNER: How Worrying Affect your Health.

Worrying has become a part of man's activities, we can't just help but get worried because things happen beyond our control and we feel we are losing track of our lives but do you know that life continues despite your worries and your worrying would not make anything better instead it adds to your problems. Excessive worrying leads to high Anxiety, it could lead to panic during waking hours.
Worries makes you starts having unrealistic fears,  looking over your shoulder when no one is chasing you,  suspecting and reading meaning to everything and every word said by friends and companions making everyone a potential threat.
In a country full of stresses, leaving home and not being certain if you are coming back,  it's normal to want to worry but would you not rather live your life whether short or long happy than having to heap up sorrows that might kill you before terrorist ever think of coming to your area.
Chronic worrying can affect important part of your life do much that it interferes with your appetite, lifestyle habits,  relationships, sleep and your job performance and this make them seek for temporary relief leading them to form bad habits like smoking,  drinking excessive alcohol or using drugs.
So as you can see, the problem is not in worrying alone but what it could cause you to do.  We know that smokers are liable to die young and those that still live longer do so with chronic diseases, vital organs in their body is affected and they begin to deteriorate.
It's a new day,  get up and decide to be happy because a happy heart does good like medicine. You can not fix all the problem of life, do what you can and leave the rest for God.  Live happily with your family and friends knowing that today is a gift that is why it is called present while we wait with hope for a better tomorrow. Start living life today,  make someone smile,  make impact and maintain your healthy life style.
This is where I will stop today,  till I come your way next time I remain Radiant Pheobe.
Radiant Phone © 2016.

Friday 10 June 2016

The One that Broke The Chains to my Heart.

For the first time in my dismal life
I feel love flow in my heart
the same heart once thought cold and lifeless
fills with glorious joy and happiness
because of a woman
whose spirit is full of passion
her eyes that shine like sapphire stars
filled with warmth and beauty
a smile that brings happiness to my sad existence
I have never known love until now
because of the way she touched my heart
took hold of my depressed soul
and showed me the beauty of life's wonders
everything that I thought impossible
all seems to be within my grasp
I see everything in a new light
because of something I thought unworthy to feel
to feel love's tender kiss
and I bask in its beauty so
because of the feelings of a woman
whom I would love now and 'til
my heart beats its final note to life's great song.

About The Author
Abayomi Adeyanju is a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. He studied Chemistry. A motivational speaker and a man who likes to see excellence in everything he does. Loves to put smiles on people's faces and worship God at all times.

Tuesday 7 June 2016


On every lip and in every mouth,  in every heart and in most homes, most I say because every does not work in all homes.
Yes!  On every lip is the cry against corruption. Social media is bombarded per minute with news and proof of the very thing we hate but sometimes I wonder,  is corruption a man that acts on its own, if it is a man,  corruption must be really popular for it has become the talk of the town.
If it is an idea, it has permeated most hearts and the system.
We  quote scriptures to point accusing fingers to the man on the screen and the man in the news papers, we shout with Velocity at the atrocities we see in the state houses but wait o, was it the president that used your hand to sign those fraudulent papers you were asked to sign?  Did you not know it was wrong, did you not think that is an act of corruption? Of course not, you justify yourself and say "I WAS JUST DOING MY JOB! "
Oh really? The lie you told to cover up your mess,  I bet it's your governor that forced it out of your mouth, of course a little lie will help save face,  forgetting that a little lie is like the yeast that permeates deeply into the dough affecting every part of it,  and oh, you may claim you were doing it for the sake of others. You were just doing your job right?
Hey beautiful lady that sleeps around with aristos, you say it's ushering job you are going for in Abuja and that man,  the one with pot belle and more cash to spend than he has need for. Your agent asked you to make him comfortable, Shey comfort now means messing up yourself with somebody's husband and father huh?  If the man has no sense,  Biko on his be half receive sense in Jesus name and think about your future but again when asked you say "I WAS JUST DOING MY JOB! "
The funny things we do in the name of a job,  making excuses and justifying our actions, corruption is not just in the state houses,  it's in most hearts. We can't fight this corruption when we have signed partnership with it.
I am not talking to Nigerians as a whole,  I am talking to you as a person, before you point that accusing finger next time,  make sure you are walking in perfection. Face your life,  build yourself for the change we seek outside starts from us.  Selah!
Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Monday 6 June 2016

Word Traders in The Love Show.

Buying and selling, an intricate part of human activity.
Exchange of goods and services, keeps life going,
The purchasing power which we call Money has many faces and phases and the more you've got,  the more you can get.
This is not a commercial class but I am here to present to you a set of people who do not trade with silver and gold,  we neither sell rice or beans,  they don't look like the great merchants that sell wears from Saudi but these people are the keeper and custodian of wealth in form of words.
Their heart is like a ware house that contains a wealth of goods, for in it is the wisdom that matches that of Solomon because they know a man greater than Solomon,  their words brings counsel and succor the the weary heart.
They are word traders and though the true value of their commodity cannot be weighed using metal balances, they are treasured in the crevices of man's heart and unlike other commodity, this commodity out live the speaker for words when uttered are like missiles, they don't have a change of mind.
Come 26th of June, I present to you the Love Show: 8pieces Revamp where you meet the word traders and buy the truth. It promises to be a great time get ready to attend If you are in Abuja and it's environs, stay tuned. More information will be passed across concerning tickets and your seat reservations.
Radiantpheobe for Team 8pieces Revamp.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Radiantpheobe: Murder or Suicide - A true life story

Radiantpheobe: Murder or Suicide - A true life story: Murder or Suicide?                                 "On March 23, 1994 the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and conclude...


Radiantpheobe: HIS ATTRIBUTE BY AGBUTUN: This song is blessing me already, what a way to start a beautiful Sunday morning with great worship to the almighty. Download the new song...

Saturday 4 June 2016


This song is blessing me already, what a way to start a beautiful Sunday morning with great worship to the almighty.

Download the new song HIS ATTRIBUTE(Nobody like you) by AGBU2N from

The beauty of this is to keep the chain going,please share with all your friends and family. Happy Sunday people.


Radiant Health Corner: How to Read Food Labels.

You are welcome to the Radiant Health Corner,  Today I will be telling you some key points you need to prioritize when you go shopping for groceries. How to read your food labels, I bet you want to know this right,  here you go.

First thing you should note when you are about to buy a product is that many have been fooled by the claims on the front. One of the best thing you can do for yourself is to totally ignore the labels on the front of the packaging, they are mostly deceptive and are there to attract customers, it’s simply an advertising technique.
The front label lure you by making health claims and of course you know how good it is to eat healthy so many consumers assumes that is all there is to it but you need to pay closer attention to details. See what you suppose to see and not what they want you to see, refuse to be deceived.
These manufacturer’s are entrepreneur and they will go out of their way to get their target market to buy their products, the market is a competitive one therefore everyone will be seeking for ways to make them appear better than other company’s product, they tell you theirs is the best health wise and that your health is their concern but how much of the information on the advertisements are true?
We have them making claims in the adverts while in reality it is not totally true or everything could be false and a good example includes many high-sugar breakfast cereals, they are not healthy but the manufacturers make it seem so and this leaves the consumers in a dilemma on what to buy that will benefit them health wise.
These are some simple tips on how to read food label.
1. Look at the Ingredients list
Most of the time, products ingredients are listed by quantity, from the highest to the lowest of amount, that is to say, the manufacturer used more of the first item listed in making the product. A good rule is to take note of the first three ingredients because they are the largest percentage of what the product contains
If the first ingredients contain more of refined grains, sugars or hydrogenated oils, you can be pretty sure the item is unhealthy.
Therefore when making your choice, choose items that have whole foods as the first three on the ingredients list.
Another interesting tip you will not hear in the advert is that if you noticed that the ingredients is getting longer than three lines, it shows that it is a highly processed food, you know what that means, it’s unhealthy and if that is all you feed on, you are at a greater risk of getting exposed to sicknesses you did not bargain for.
2. Watch out for Serving Sizes
At the back of the nutrition labels, they state how many calories and nutrients are in a single serving of the product. However, unknown to many consumers, this serving sizes are in more smaller proportion from what is obtainable. The manufacturers deceive people into thinking the food has less calories but in reality, many people just assume that the entire container is a single serving, little do they know it consist of two or more servings. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing the nutritional value of what you are eating, multiply the serving given on the label by the number of servings you consumed.
The rule is simple when you know the amount of calories you consume per pack; you can quickly tell how much you will be adding when you consume more than one.
3. Watch out for misleading words when reading food label
There are many words manufacturers use which is always misunderstood by consumers to mean the products are healthy. Some are just words but here lies the underlying truth, words like:
Natural:  This does not in any way mean the product resembles anything natural, probably at some point they had to use some material that has a natural source to work with, so beware.
No added sugar:  Some products have such on their label and the consumer is made to believe it is safe. Well there are no guarantees seeing that there are many names for sugar and many types of sugar, some unhealthy sugar must have been added and this is enough to make it unhealthy.
Low fat: This label most times means that the fat has been reduced but it is at the cost of adding more sugar and you know sugar is unhealthy, you should be careful to read the ingredients at the back so you are not misled.
Made with low grain: Like I said earlier, the manufacturers are smart and are profit oriented, the product might have so little to do with low grain, you can justify the claim by seeing if whole grain is one of the first three on the ingredient list.
Fruit flavored: Many processed foods have a name that refers to a natural flavor, we have many orange juice, strawberry flavored drinks etc. These products are not necessarily made from the natural fruit as a matter of fact, they may not have used any fruit but there are chemicals, flavors that are made to taste like real fruits and most times they are unhealthy.
Zero trans-fat:  This means “less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving.” But you know the serving sizes are most times ridiculously small, you might be consuming more trans-fat if you consume more of the product.
Having said all these, let us note that there are many healthy foods too that are whole grain, natural or with low fat or calorie but it does not mean that once they are stated on the product the claims are true. Go extra mile and check for yourself, don’t get carried away by the adverts.
Truth be told, the best way to avoid being deceived by food labels is by staying clear processed foods. However, if you decide to still go for packaged foods, ensure you go for those with higher quality and sort out the junks. Whole foods are the best and note that whole foods don’t need a list of ingredient because they are the ingredient in themselves.
For more health tips, keep reading the Radiant Pheobe’s blog, happy weekend people

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Murder or Suicide - A true life story

Murder or Suicide?                                

"On March 23, 1994 the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he died from a shotgun wound to the head.

Mr. Opus had jumped from the top of a ten-story building intending to commit suicide. He left a note to the effect indicating his despondency.
As he fell past the ninth floor his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast passing through a window, which killed him instantly.

Neither the shooter nor the deceased was aware that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor level to protect some building workers and that Ronald Opus would not have been able to complete his suicide the way he had planned.

"Ordinarily," Dr Mills continued, "A person, who sets out to commit suicide and ultimately succeeds, even though the mechanism might not be what he intended, is still defined as committing suicide."

That Mr. Opus was shot on the way to certain death, but probably would not have been successful because of the safety net, caused the medical examiner to feel that he had a homicide on his hands.

In the room on the ninth floor, where the shotgun blast emanated, was occupied by an elderly man and his wife. They were arguing vigorously and he was threatening her with a shotgun.

The man was so upset that when he pulled the trigger he completely missed his wife and the pellets went through the window striking Mr. Opus.

When one intends to kill subject "A" but kills subject "B" in the attempt, one is guilty of the murder of subject "B".

When confronted with the murder charge the old man and his wife were both adamant and both said that they thought the shotgun was unloaded.

The old man said it was a long-standing habit to threaten his wife with the unloaded shotgun. He had no intention to murder her. Therefore the killing of Mr. Opus appeared to be an accident; that is, if the gun had been accidentally loaded.

The continuing investigation turned up a witness who saw the old couple's son loading the shotgun about six weeks prior to the fatal accident.

It transpired that the old lady had cut off her son's financial support and the son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun , loaded the gun with the expectation that his father would shoot his mother.

Since the loader of the gun was aware of this, he was guilty of the murder even though he didn't actually pull the trigger.
The case now becomes one of murder on the part of the son for the death of Ronald Opus.

Now comes the exquisite twist.

Further investigation revealed that the son was, in fact, Ronald Opus.

He had become increasingly despondent over the failure of his attempt to engineer his mother's murder. This led him to jump off the ten-story building on March 23rd, only to be killed by a shotgun blast passing through the ninth story window.

The son had actually murdered himself, so the medical examiner closed the case as a suicide.

A true story from Associated Press, Reported by Kurt Westervelt
Brilliant - facts are sometimes stranger than fiction !".

Afraid of Trials? | Noble Dee

TOPIC: Afraid of Trials?
FACILITATOR: Noble Dee Truth
Date published 11th March 2016

Early today I was meditating upon something serious in
Christendom today. Below is my submission in respect to
that thought.

As a child of God, trials, tribulations, temptations and all
the terms for things that come to test your faith in God
will come, and it is intended to make us sway and I was like “damn!...what then is the way forward? ” and then an exposition came in.

Pay attention to this: “even though you walk through the
valley of the shadow of death you shall fear no evil
because I am with you" [a paraphrase of Ps23], You get

Just as there is no food without work, you can not
graduate to a higher level of power in Christianity without
passing your exams. 1Cor 4:20

Furthermore, 2Timothy 2:12 tells us that if we suffer, we
shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will
deny us. I'd love to encourage you, when and if you come
to this facet of life, always remember that the glory of the
former can not be compared to the later.

I pray that you will realise the power of the
Holy Spirit in you, harnesses His strength at all times most especially in your trying moments. You will come out as refined Gold that will be appreciated by everyone at the end of it all.

All rights reserved. ©2016. Afiakurue Daniel Fridan #BC

The Lawful Captive | Noble Dee Truth

Exposition on: The Lawful Captive
Published date: 28th May 2016
By: Noble Dee Truth

Even the LAWFUL captive was made free by the payment Christ made. Lawful captives are those souls pledge to the devil. You know every African family has it's foundation in jazz (voodoo, juju, otomopkor, call it whatever you like).

Most ancestors may have (at most times they definitely had) pledge their generation to demons manifesting as earthly gods. These unborn generations are lawful captives. The devil has a string to pull on them. No wonder the term "generational curses" exist!

Notwithstanding, I am here to announce to you that Jesus has made you free. He made a public show of principalities and powers by His triumphant resurrection! By the virtue of faith invested in you, call forth your freedom from these things.

©All rights reserved Afiakurue Daniel Fridan 2016

Reconciliation Ministers | Noble Dee

In Zachariah 3 you can see that an high priest was in the presence of God and an angel, performing his duty and the devil was right beside him doing what?
If your answer is "accusing and resisting him" then you are right!

Immediately I started asking some questions, what could have given the devil the impetus to accuse that old man right before God in His presence?
Somebody say, "filthy garment." Yeah, you got that right!

Sin makes you filthy, it can make you offer up strange fires to God but, I thank God for His mercies.

He showed forth His mercy and rebuked the Devil himself in the verse 2 of that chapter but He (God) went further to issue a command that the filthy garment be taken away and his cloth changed. Please note that this happened in the old covenant era. Now we have Jesus as our garment of righteousness as promised in the verse 8 (The Branch).

But the devil is relentless in his pursuit of ruining our lives so he continues to throw in the "flesh" as a torn in believers. Lemme tell you something, if Paul said he crucifies his flesh daily it means the flesh has the capacity of being revived so, kill it everyday and live with the consciousness that Christ is your righteousness and that is is interceding on your behalf to the father. Now that is the new covenant. This new covenant is that of reconciliation.

© All rights reserved. Afiakurue Daniel Fridan 2016.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

You Shall Greatly Increase!

Increase, a word so common but in this world,
It is a very scarce phenomenon.
You shall greatly increase is shouted and prophesied everyday
Yet it seem to the world that it’s a mere child’s play.
Be fruitful and multiply says the Lord but all you see is leanness and dryness
The barren woman gnashes her teeth in agony awaiting the day she will give suck to her own child
The business men look around with long faces as the profits keeps abating
The world is decaying as poverty has held it down with a firm grip.
Then I ask “Is there no balm in Gilead?” Where is the help for the daughter of Zion.
Is the Lord’s hand too short that it cannot save nor his ear too heavy that it cannot hear? But lo! Your iniquities, your selfishness, your pride has blinded you to the abundance that awaits you.
Here is the good news “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray…yes, let them seek my face and turn from their wicked ways and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour down my blessings.”
I was elated and then my word came, the word that set me free, the word that watered my dry ground and brought beauty for my ashes, the word that turned shame to glory, the word that the world saw and said “Indeed, you serve a living God” that word is here today and I can hear the Lord say this “You shall greatly increase.” Amen!
Radiant Pheobe@ 2016

Monday 30 May 2016

Love will Cost You!

The increasing rate at which people fall in love these days is really alarming but i wonder why and how it is so easy to fall out of love.
Today, he is the sugar in the tea, honey and sweetpie but soonest, he somehow metamorphoses into the bitter leaf in your soup or the aloe vera of your life.
Secondary school students are already having love fights and they think they are old enough because they saw how beautiful the love was portrayed in high school musical.
Well i guess no one is too young or old to fall in love but a time will come where that love will be tested.
Its so easy to proclaim your love when everything is going as planned, when all you do is laugh and hug each other pretending you are acting Nigeria film.
Oya o, i will now meet the once upon a time, love crazed individual carrying a long face and has every bad thing to say about the once upon a time heart rob. Now i do not mean to demean their feelings because i know what happened. Life happened.
Life, full of its teasing and testing abilities, it comes with it's challenges and it changes people. Soon, when all the butterflies in your stomach dies, when there is no reason to smile, when all you see is lack and hunger, can you honestly say those words "I LOVE YOU?"
From experience, no human has such abilities, for with the experience of joy found in love comes the sting. Those who love the most feel the sting more.
Many fall in love and many more fall out of love. Parents fighting each other, relationship crashing, hearts are being broken and the eyes sheds bitter tears. Fingers are bitten and regrets plague every waking hour.
Why is it so painful to love?
Everyone might be asking that but it would have been great if we all are angels with no flaws or fault, if we all are perfect with no attitude, then the love will be pure and sweet and progressive but we all are plagued with weaknesses and only the God kind of love can love us enough to the end.
When you make a decision to love, be warned, it comes with a cost, sometimes it might mean giving your all.
I know someone who loved till death, His name is Jesus and today he has shed his love in our hearts by his Spirit so we, just like him can show love to each other and live in peace and harmony.
When love comes with its bill, would you be rich enough to pay the prize? Selah!
Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Radiance with Pheobe: The Enemy Within

Hey guys, it's been a while but your girl is here again. This is Radiance with Pheobe, and today i want to shed light on something  i read earlier today and the warning was to be aware of the enemy within.
"Man rapes three years old daughter tearing her vagina through to her anus and he says it is the work of the devil."
It baffles me to hear how people shift blames on the devil, sure the devil is the root of all these evils but common! God gave man freewill, the devil is not that powerful.
How in God's name do a man lust after his own daughter, a father who is supposed to treat his girl as a princess, watch her grow and threaten those bad boys to stay off his daughter now become the devil himself who will ruin his daughter's life.
I do not know how true that is but then when the person asked mothers to watch out for the enemy especially the enemy within, i realized the world is messed up and God needs to intervene.
Its sad to see that the list of who to protect your daughter from is getting longer, first they said protect from strangers, then we heard uncles have started messing up kids and now the daddies too, oh please can someone wake me up from this sleep?
I am talking to a generation of daddies to be, a generation of men who would take responsibility for their girls. A woman cant do the work of parenting, a girl needs her daddy too or atleast a father figure but when we can't trust our girls with the daddies, who else can we trust them with.
Ladies, mothers please pray for your boys, train them in the fear of the Lord so they dont end up being a thorn in the flesh.
The boy you refuse to train now will end up the irresponsible man who blames the devil for the mess he caused.
Parenting can be tough but i know women who have conquered on their knees, women pray for your children, wives pray for your husband, secure your territory like a hen secures her chicks.
If the devil gets the blame why not keep that devil outside.
Brothers and daddies, let no devil use you as an instrument of destruction.
That poor baby is in so much pain, her father caused it. May the fear of God rule our hearts in this perverse  generation.
Funny enough not only girls are molested, our little boys too are exposed to what they have no business knowing at their tender age. Let us pray for our kids and while you pray Watch!
Till i come your way next time, i remain your host Radiant Pheobe. God bless you.
Radiant Pheobe© 2016.

Friday 27 May 2016

Why Wait When the World is in a Hurry?

Standing at the balcony
Looking beyond what’s in sight
The buzzing city becomes an irony
For though it is full of light,
The prevailing darkness can be touched.
The traffic is heavy; the people are in a hurry
The day is busy and merchants are in their Lorries
Time waits for no one so no one wants to wait for time
Haste is the order of the day and no one waits today
Foods get done in minutes and they expect life to be lived long
Slow is evil to those with the brisk nature, fast foods, fast cars,
Fast money, even fast relationships no wonder all forms of “ships” wreck as fast as they are made.
In a world where everything is moving and everyone is on the move,
In a world where people chase things and things chase people,
In a world where competition is the ultimate and self- improvement is a price too big to be paid,
Can you in such a world just PAUSE!?
Yes your mates seems to have gone far ahead, maybe you should go back to the ancient path, were things take time to be done but when done, it out shines those that skipped the processes.
Patience is a rare virtue to be found in this generation, but when found it is cherished though it must have been despised. Selah!

Radiant Pheobe 2016.

Friday 1 April 2016

Download Peace by Apostle Joshua Selman.

Isaiah 26:3 " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stated on thee: because he trusteth in thee."
Our minds are constantly straying like the troubled waters.
Issues, fightings, confusions are the order of the day but the Lord declares peace.
I recommend you download and listen to this message. Though you might say it was not preached today, true but its content will be always needed.
We have stepped into a new quarter of the year. The One that preserved us is still able. Have a prosperous April. Shalom!

Download Peace: Apstle Joshua Selman.

Monday 21 March 2016

Prophecies/ Opinions and your Relationship!

Right from the beginning of times, there have been discrepancies over the issue of suggesting or recommending soul mates.
When Adam fell, instead of taking responsibility for his action, because its man's nature to shift blames, he said to God "the woman you gave me..." you know the rest and since then that phrase has hunted the human race for when a relationship fails, we don't see beyond our noses into the mirror to see that the one at fault is you, yes the other might have greater faults if you say so but it takes two to tangle.
Now among the religious folks, we say things like "I don catch vision." As awesome as that sounds, not all are divinely induced visions, when our parents met, some had accurate visions and they still remember it till tomorrow but in a day where lust and selfishness are the order of the day, we have what i call a lot of "polygamous singles." where one bachelor or spinster sees more than one person. Biko! God is not an author of confusion.
Hmm! To my main point, I respect spiritual authorities and the word of a prophet but i respect the word of God spoken to me personally and if i am forced to choose, i would stick to what God told me.
Now i don't mean to rattle your theology but it bugs me when i see a failed relationship and people say "na man of God say na him wife" or everybody felt they were good to go and so they decided to really go together not because of personal convictions but because somebody you respect said so.
Its not your moral right as a spiritual head to be match making up and down. Teach people how to hear from God by themselves and when it comes to choosing a spouse it will be as great as other aspects of their lives.
For the prophecy mongers, those who are not ready to sit down and work out their salvation in deep word study and devotions, prayer and fasting, building a sweet fellowship with the Lord and you expect sharp sharp word of prophecy claiming you don't want to miss it in marriage. Hmm! If you have not found God, and found who you are (purpose discovery) you have no business finding a wife or following a man. Worst case scenario if both of you are like that, what is gonna be the end of it.
I hate it when people cast blames, the God who said none shall lack her mate still speaks. If there is no witness in your heart and there is no peace about the word of prophecy, please check it so you won't have to put the blame on anybody.
I like to say i am the first priest over my life, whatever word of prophecy i get, does it go in accordance with what God has told me before? Now the problem comes when you are not sure what God is saying.
I will say this, don't allow a third party ruin the beautiful thing God is doing. I am not ruling out prophecies because i love the prophetic. Some men are like Samuel whose words don't fall to the ground so test all spirit,weigh the words and be sure at the end you are in the perfect will of God.
If you have any contribution to this please drop it so we all can learn. Lets build godly relationships that will lead to godly and lasting marriages. God bless you all.
Copyright © Radiant Pheobe 2016.

Did the Teachers deceive us?

As far back as i can recall, going through school, taking different subjects that i would not want to start listing, when we were thought about settlements in geography and what makes urban settlement different is modernization.
Modernization in the sense of having social amenities, industries and all and later on we were told that for states like Kogi that has raw materials, they attract modernization but because all these were taught in theory, i believed, we wrote and passed through school.
But i met reality on my way to Kogi State last weekend. That was my first time and believe me i was shocked.
Shocked to see the so called largest cement factory in Africa, now i did not say that. Na so them talk am. Now i also saw how large Dangote and his lorries are in that state.
I had never seen many lorries at a time like i saw there but guess what? The road was a night mare.
It was the kind of road you say and make all the positive confessions you remember just so by the mercies of God, you pass through safely.
As if that was not enough, seeing block houses were as scarce as seeing gold on mere ground.
Yes i have seen mud houses in the north but common, they are solid and liveable.
There were no social amenities, no dispensary in sight in cases of emergencies, no light and that was the most painful part . You know how it is when you are scared of pressing your phone because no hope of charging it anywhere. Well it wont be fair if i refuse to mention what they have, they have plenty fresh air and also they had trust. People slept not jamming the doors like we do here.
Hmm! I was amazed at the grave silence that greeted the evening, not one person put on a generator except the house we were in and that was because they had plenty visitors...that's us now.
Then i wondered, what in God's name is the meaning of social responsibility? A community is rich in raw material but cant benefit something as useful as tarred road.
I am still wondering what the chairmen and those representing the constituency are doing with all the money.
Now i am not here to cast blames but i wish half of what we were taught in school were real, Nigeria would be better.
Imagine if a wealthy man after profit decides to give back to the society he is benefiting from?
Its no news that the government can't do it alone therefore, when you become big and a profit maker, Remember that the greatest investment you can make is in adding value to people's lives.
Our teachers followed oyinbo curriculum. A lot of things are true in advanced countries but they sound like prophecies in our nation. Therefore let's be the change and ensure we make life better for someone else starting from the person next to you.
Choose to cause a change now, the good you can't do today, what makes you think you can do better tomorrow?
Copyright © Radiant Pheobe 2016.

Saturday 5 March 2016


In a world full of dryness
Parched lands and famine are it's kids
pain and agony it's family members
crisis and riots are it's able companion
and the inhabitants sigh in grieve
in a world full of chaos
there seem to be no order
no sense in sense and no wisdom in wisdom
for as far as I know....even the wise are confounded.
in the world full of affliction
where everyday passes like a chore
sweats of hardship creases the brows of men
There is an army rising.
An army still so little but great
still without strength but never will they fail
oh! They are despised and scorned for standing for a reality different from popular opinion
The opinions of men means nothing for they are a different people
A people who in a world full of dryness call their lands Beaulah
And in a world full of Chaos they experience perfect peace that passes human comprehension
They lead in confusion, being the light the world see by.
They are the people with cups in their hand,  a cup that overflows
For they live not just for themselves but that others through them might flow into God's rest.
In a world full of hopelessness, there is hope still and you will declare that, there is an overflow.
Radiant Pheobe 2016

Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Lovers Convo by Radiant Pheobe

A woman is not a trophy you struggle so hard to get and you keep aside in your archive for reference to your sucess, she is like a plant which blooms when nurtured but dies when neglected.
Don't keep wondering why she craves your attention, she is just being your woman, you had better not stay away for too long for there are predators lurking around to take that trophy, cherish her like a queen and she will naturally treat you as her King.

But I never said you were did I? He argued.

 Chorus: Don't give up on me my dearest, though I may not be all you expect me to be, I am still in motion, I am work in progress. There is more coming if only you would hold on.
Don't give up on me my dearest, hold on for in this heathen vessel are treasures reserved for you my love.
Don't give up on me my dearest for tomorrow's smile will wipe away today's tears.

Oh my lady, though I fall short of your dreams and fantasies of who your ideal man should be,
Though you confuse me with your whims and ways and I am like "why can't she see that I still love her?"
Yes, I do, I might not be the flower in hand, song at night kind of guy but in my heart is a permanent place for you, don't create in me a vacuum.

Don't give up on me my dearest, though I may not be all you expect me to be, I am still in motion, I am work in progress. There is more coming if only you would hold on.
Don't give up on me my dearest, hold on for in this heathen vessel are treasures reserved for you my love.
Don't give up on me my dearest for tomorrow's smile will wipe away today's tears.

There is a longing in my heart to be your queen, to be like the lace that beautifully hems yor raiment. It is my desire to bring smile to your face but I do not understand why you think I am so complex, for when I complain I do not desire to wear you out,  I just need a little reassurance that I am yours is that too much to ask?

Don't give up on me my dearest, though I may not be all you expect me to be, I am still in motion, I am work in progress. There is more coming if only you would hold on.
Don't give up on me my dearest, hold on for in this heathen vessel are treasures reserved for you my love.
Don't give up on me my dearest for tomorrow's smile will wipe away today's tears.

But must I always say it you should understand that on my shoulders lies enirmeous responsibilities and do not let my silence fool you into thinking you mean nothing for though i am chasing the world, i do it knowing at the end of the day, there is a friend with a kind word, a sisrer with an encouragement, a mother with an embrace and a heartrob with healing kisses for you my  lady all all that to me.

Don't give up on me my dearest, though I may not be all you expect me to be, I am still in motion, I am work in progress. There is more coming if only you would hold on.
Don't give up on me my dearest, hold on for in this heathen vessel are treasures reserved for you my love.
Don't give up on me my dearest for tomorrow's smile will wipe away today's tears.

Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Monday 1 February 2016


Don't live your everyday expecting some spontaneous answers to prayers or some strange thing happening everyday because what we call Miracle is not just an occurrence but a process.
Don't wonder at my outburst because I still believe in miracles.
Though miracles are real, they are as a result of many factors with great doses of the Glory of God.
Oh you just got a multimillion naira contract and you said you were not expecting it.
Hey! That dying person just got well and you shout and say "it's a miracle."
Oh you have written Jamb for the fourth time and you made it now and Yes it's a miracle.
Your levels changes and you scream it's a miracle.
Glory to God for these miracles but do you know those "miracles" that surprises you because you were not expecting it simply shows your unbelief?
If you were not expecting answers and you got answered anyway, it only shows the faithfulness of God.
When Jesus rose the dead, healed the sick, fed the hungry, he only gave thanks and never made a fuss expecting the crowd to cheer him up, as a matter of fact, he asked them not to say it but of course who would not shout it on the roof top.
I Love Jesus, he understood who he was and while he lived as a man, what normal men gawk at in wonder due to their unbelief, he lifts up his hand and said "Father I thank you because you hear me always." He would have been shocked if Lazarus didn't wake, he would be surprised if the blind didn't see but how cone we get surprised when these things happen.
It's a new month and we are crying for a miracle and we will have them because when the Lord turns again our captivity, we will be like them that dream.
Chai! Lord deliver us from unbelief so we can see that all your goodness which we call miracle is just an extension of  your Life in us.
Happy New Month from Radiant Pheobe.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Strand of Hope 1.

Chapter One.

Sandra hurried out of the house with her shoes in one hand and her bag hung on her shoulders, she mentally kicked herself for over sleeping. Her alarm had rang but she wondered why she had not been able to bring herself out from the dream land, well she will have to hurry to catch up with Lucy, just then Lucy pulled up in from of her gate and honked.

“I am coming.” she said as she hurriedly locked her door. Beads of perspiration creased her brows and she hoped to God that the rest of the day does not go in this trend.

“I am sorry, I woke up late.” she explained opening the front door of the car.

“No problem girl, at least you did not have to come wait for me today, we will make it to the office in twenty.” Lucy flashed her a smile and turned on the ignition, the car roared as it came to life and Lucy being an expert, reversed sharply causing Sandra to hit her head on the seat, that was when  she remembered to put on her seat belt.

“Lucy please stop using my life for experiment, I have siblings and a mother to cater for, I just pray your driving does not land you in trouble, well thank God you have a husband to come clear you and of course, you have money to pay.” Sandra lamented.

“Common Sandra, you fear too much, I was only trying to get us to the office earlier, you know how the traffic is and trust me, my husband complains about my driving but I think it is really cool.” she said laughing at the shock expression on her friend’s face.

Sandra went through the motions of the day, well the day was not so bad actually it was better than she expected. The contract they applied for was likely to fall into their hands though the competition was stiff she will do her very best to see that they are the winners. Her work gave her satisfaction and well she was well paid and so she had been able to pay her younger siblings tuition fees, thank God Jude is in his final year already and thank God they all have made the effort worth it but then there was the issue of her mother’s constant worries concerning her unmarried state. Well she was happy being by herself for now, she had what she wanted and life was much easier without any male interference. She would not go through the pain of losing anyone again, it took a big chunk out of your behind, people just die not thinking about those they are leaving behind.

           Dad had died leaving mum to fend for three children, all by herself and he had not left something tangible aside the house her mother was living now, and though she let that one pass, she had not gotten over the terrible death of her fiancĂ©, how could he just die like that and to think that he died with them having a misunderstanding, to think that she was not able to apologize and make him see her side of the story, to think that all their plans had died with him, yeah, she has all the blueprint in her mind but she could not bring herself to executing those dreams. It was just too painful and life has just been unfair.

“Happy birthday man, you are how old now?” Raphael teased his friend as he sipped his drink.

“He is an old man already, guy you are thirty what now, thirty four years now. Wow! You are getting old dude.” Dominic said and Raphael agreed.

“Hey guys, what is your problem, I am thirty four and so what? I am a very successful young man, I own my company and I can buy whatever I want, I have a house and I have cars and well I have a wonderful family, you know my mum will do anything to make me happy and my…”

“Hello! Did I hear you say your mum will do anything to make you happy? Well I guess its time you did something to make her happy, the woman have been crying for you to give her grand kids dude, what have you done about that huh?! Nothing, you don’t want a girl friend, you wont make any attempt to look for one and when we set you up with nice girls, you come up with lame excuses like she is too fat or too slim or talks too much or she is shallow, she is ill-mannered and many more excuses but I hope you have plans of settling down this year because I am done waiting for you.” Dominic said.

“Guys it’s my birthday okay, I did not invite you here to come and give me sermon of life, I am not ready to put any woman in distress, see I appreciate your concern and I think my mother hired you guys to frustrate me and I think you are successfully doing that but guys, it is more complicated than I have let on. I am not going to get married period, can we just forget about this now and enjoy the evening.”

His friends exchanged confused looks and though he felt he owed them an explanation, he too was not ready to come to terms with it even after several years has passed.

“Common, you guys should stop looking as me as if I just grew horns, I am happy for both of you and I will go any length to see that your wedding day will be grand and I can even be the best man but seriously, I would not want to discuss marriage in relation to me. I hope that is not too much to ask?” he said.

Dominic walked and stood in front of him, he and Dominic were the closest among the three and Dominic kind of saw through him a times and vice versa.

“I can not say I am pleased with it but I really wish you could open up and tell us what the problem is, we are your friends for Christ sake and we are worried about you, does this have anything to do with your former girlfriend, did you guys make a blood covenant or something, we could go to church right away and break that yoke and so you can be free.” Dominic said with seriousness and even Raphael agreed with the theory but funny enough Caleb laughed despite himself.

“Blood covenant? Oh Lord you are funny man, who does that? Like seriously I was quite foolish and madly in love, in fact I could have given her my life but we both were wiser than that, Jesus’ blood is enough to last for eternity so guy forget it, its nothing like that okay?”

“You know what, lets forget about this Dominic, when he sees us with our wives and kids he would want to have a family of his own, I used to think Dominic was the one with no commitment in his bone but thank God Silvia came his way, I only hope it does not take him a life time to propose to her.” Raphael said laughing and Caleb joined him.

“Hey you, this is not about me okay, at least I am better, I have a girlfriend and you know marriage is not something to rush into but at least I have taken her to my parent and my mum is in love with her and so it will be difficult to change my mind anymore. I just need time that’s all.” He defended himself to his satisfaction and his friends laughed happily.

Caleb laughed too but deep in his heart was the realization that he might not have what his friends will have, a woman to love and kids to play with, he wanted those things in life too especially now that he was settled enough as a bachelor but marriage was a risky thing, he would prefer to remain single than to get married and have his wife hate him till their dying day.    
Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

If you enjoyed this chapter, I employ you to comment as this is the next book I plan on releasing to the public, share with your friends and loved ones and even your enemies. It's a story you would love to be a part of, trust me. Thank you for your encouragements. I look forward to the comments.
Radiant Pheobe.