Thursday 4 August 2016

The Day I Saw Pain in Different degrees.

Though it has been a while,  I was never gone,  just doing what I love on a different platform.
I never knew what I was getting into when I was asked to work in the labor ward, I dreaded the thought but felt the experience will be great but when I stepped inside, I knew life had two phases.

Bringing a child into the world at a point is known as pleasure though through some unfortunate events the pleasure is no pleasure but a process to be endured,  if that is not enough,  some enjoy a pleasurable pregnancy period and to others it is hell.

Now,  I know you are wondering where this is going but then,  we get pregnant with ideas,  some from comfort and others through painful experiences,  at some point when your vision starts to grow, you get excited and at other point you seem too tired to carry on but wait,  the time to drop is not yet.

But then,  it comes a point when you just feel like bursting,  it feels like the time for manifestation is here and so you push and keep pushing. Some have it easy,  as easy as labor pains can be for in what is considered easy labor, there is still pain.

You look around and see things working for some people, in your mind you think it's effortless but while you were not watching they were pushing and sweating and by the time you checked, they have delivered and you wonder and say it was easy.

Pain is relative and how we respond and react to it differs,  you choose what you want, if you want the pain to make a fool out of you or a hero. If you let it ruin you or mold you,  if you let it Mar or make you, at the end of the day,  you get to choose what degree of pain you go through and how much you let it affect you.

In a ward with laboring women are those shouting uncontrollably, others groaning deeply, some rolling madly and others sweating without a scream but at the end they all get their results. We all are in labor, full of ideas and innovations but as good as that is with the pressures around would you let the pain kill you or be the pain killer? Selah!

Radiantpheobe © 2016

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