Friday 18 November 2016

And it came to pass...

Rise and shine people, it's a beautiful day today and we should be grateful for it,  say a quick thank you to God for the gift of life and the fact that you are reading this post tells me something... It tells me that you are not blind.  Even if everything is not working at least you got your eyes and your eyes gives you sight and the sight gives you vision.

Vision a vast word used among the church circles but lately, I Am learning that it is not just by the things you see when your eyes are closed but those you see even with your eyes open.

Your desires, your purpose, your aspirations, your assignment. You should not just sleep and expect dreams to come through,wake up and live your dreams,  make adequate plans,  do not be afraid to fail because the fear of failure is the failure itself.

I thought so low of myself before,  you might roll your eyes and don't believe it probably because you think otherwise about me.  Well I really still under estimate myself at times but one thing I have done so far is to give myself an evidence of doubt and tell myself it wouldn't hurt to try.

Mumsy used to say to us those days,  she is a complete African mother trust me. When we are celebrating being among the first five or first ten in class, she gives you the look and says "why did you not come first,  does the person that came first have two heads,  is he not a person like you? " I never could wrap my mind around the concept but she always wanted us to be the best.

Now what am I saying self,  I can't say I have my life all figured out but there is this peace you have knowing that there is a Lord over your life who knows your end from the beginning. Yeah,  don't say she is going all religious again.  Well I can't help it but acknowledge He who is the author of this life and who gives grace and beauty.

God is gracious and trust me, He makes the pepper red in due time. What is it that your hand has found doing, do it with all your heart. Don't start doing it to impress anybody. Just do it with passion,  because soon that passion will pay off and where you never thought you would be, well about that... You have to start thinking you would be great because as a man thinks so is it.

Your present condition may fall short of what your mind sees but then the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. When you are old and wrinkled, when you have come to the evening time of your life,  you can call your children and children's children and declare these words "AND IT CAME TO PASS...."

Fill in the blank spaces now that you have the heart then live out the story you want to pass down as a legacy. It's Saturday,  make the most of your weekend. Love,  live,  laugh. God bless you.

Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

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