Monday 5 September 2016

Inspiration Monday; There is Gold In You!

Its easy, I mean very easy to conclude that just because someone resides in castles, mansions, nice cars, stunning cloths, great material endowments etc, it transmits into their inner lives. No! Its not always the case.
Admiration of others is good only if it spurs you to work harder, devastating if you allow it reduce you to mediocre.
In conversation with the sky yesterday as I sought to plead for a spot to shine, I realised that there are still lots of room to accommodate billions of more stars. As a matter of fact the heavenly body will never buckle as a result of the 'stars' it can carry so your own spot is there if you choose to claim it.
If you knew a large deposition of gold is buried beneath your land you may not let it be tilled for any other purpose other than to extract your 'gold' lest you lose it, you will guard it with your life but again consider the great effort you will expend if you wanted to get that 'gold' out. You will mine, extract an ore of the 'gold' which you will still refine.
Now this is a written reminder that you have great deposit of 'gold' in you, so you should carry yourself with confidence not being reduced by others and not forgetting that you have to deal thoroughly with yourself to extract such 'gold' and claim your own spot in the sky.
© Eduoh Victor, 2016.

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