Monday 6 June 2016

Word Traders in The Love Show.

Buying and selling, an intricate part of human activity.
Exchange of goods and services, keeps life going,
The purchasing power which we call Money has many faces and phases and the more you've got,  the more you can get.
This is not a commercial class but I am here to present to you a set of people who do not trade with silver and gold,  we neither sell rice or beans,  they don't look like the great merchants that sell wears from Saudi but these people are the keeper and custodian of wealth in form of words.
Their heart is like a ware house that contains a wealth of goods, for in it is the wisdom that matches that of Solomon because they know a man greater than Solomon,  their words brings counsel and succor the the weary heart.
They are word traders and though the true value of their commodity cannot be weighed using metal balances, they are treasured in the crevices of man's heart and unlike other commodity, this commodity out live the speaker for words when uttered are like missiles, they don't have a change of mind.
Come 26th of June, I present to you the Love Show: 8pieces Revamp where you meet the word traders and buy the truth. It promises to be a great time get ready to attend If you are in Abuja and it's environs, stay tuned. More information will be passed across concerning tickets and your seat reservations.
Radiantpheobe for Team 8pieces Revamp.

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