Wednesday 25 November 2015


He parked the car in front of the bungalow and rushed in without killing the engine. He needed to get in and get out fast and as quietly as possible. He needed to erase every trace that he had been there. He reasoned that the bungalow would be the first place the authorities would visit when they found Sam's body and he wanted to be as far away from the building as possible. He looked at the sitting room critically when he entered, the furniture were neatly arranged, there was nothing to suggest that Sam had had a visitor, he had nothing to worry about there. He went into the room where they had laid Rose. She was still fast asleep. She did not wake up as he lifted her not too gently and placed her over his shoulder. The tiny tablet of diazepam he had dissolved into the yoghurt he bought for her, seemed to be working just fine. She had slept throughout the journey from Ife and she was still sound asleep. He glanced round the sitting room one last time before he closed the door behind him.
He laid the girl on the backseat of the vehicle. As he backed the car off the curb  and drove through the road he tried to think of his next line of action. He had had everything well thought out before going to Ife and so far everything had worked as planned except for the unexpected business with Sam. He regretted that he had to kill Sam, but the old fool had not given him a choice. He could not afford to let anyone stay in his way, else all would be lost.
"No, I can't let that happen." He said into the night.
Sam had been a part of his plan. Now that he was out of the picture, he would have to think of something else, and fast. But first he needed to find a place to stay. Moving about with the girl was not wise. He also needed to make the long overdue calls. Sam had slowed things down a bit but he still had everything under control. Going to a hotel was out of the question, it would not suit his plans. He needed somewhere, quiet and private. Then it hit him. The house in Badagry. It would perfectly suit his plans. He took a quick glance at his wristwatch, it was some minutes to midnight. The traffic would be light, he should be able to make Badagry in one hour even in the rain. He did not worry about the few police checkpoints on the highway, he had his wallet with him, but more importantly, he was an Adebantu.

It had stopped raining by the time Pago got to the cottage. The cottage was built in the middle of a 2 acre property. The land was not fenced. It was by the coast, and bordered by the Atlantic on one side and On the other side by a plantation of palm trees. It was a quiet and desolate land. Victor had bought the property because he had thought it peaceful. Doyin had loved it too and the family had visited often while she was alive. After her death, the rate at which they visited had gradually dropped. Pago had not stepped on the property in years, so It had taken him an effort to get the road path leading to it through the plantation. He parked the vehicle under a  makeshift garage that was made with palm fronds and bamboo, and walked to the cottage. He needed to check it out first before bringing Rose in. He knew someone from the village nearby usually came to clean it up once or twice a month and he hoped the person would stay away for the next couple of days. He checked underneath the flower vase in front of the door and was pleasantly surprised when he found the key there. He had feared that the key's location would have been changed and that he would have to break in. He opened the door and was suddenly hit with nostalgia as he stepped into the living room. Everything was as he remembered. He could almost see his mum coming down the stairs. He had had some of his best childhood memories in this building and for a moment he started regretting what he planned to do to it. He pushed his regrets away and hardened his heart. He could not afford to be sentimental. What needed to be done must be done, there was a lot at stake. He looked round, then climbed the stairs to check the rooms upstairs. When he was satisfied that everything was okay, he went to get Rose and took her to one of the rooms, then he went back to the car to take the few belongings he had with him. He dropped a few new SIM cards and his phone on the table in the living room as he laid on the couch exhausted. He needed to rest. He would need to be clear headed by dawn when he planned to make the calls.


Ese had a restless night. She had not wanted to go to bed at all but Siji had prevailed upon her and she had gone into the bedroom while he had stayed in the living room. Despite the sleeping pills he had made her take, she had still woken up a few times during the night. The pills could not completely numb her worries. She could not wait to get off the bed when it was dawn even though she felt so weak and all her body was aching. The thought of Rose was enough to trigger her adrenalin. She said a silent prayer for her daughter's safety and for better luck in finding her than they had the previous day. The time on her bedside clock was some minutes to five. She got off the bed and began walking to the bathroom. At that instant her phone started ringing. She could not afford to ignore any call so she went to the side of her bed where she had dropped the phone. The number calling was not one she had stored. She picked it.
"Hello love, trust you had a lovely night." The voice at the other end said.
She immediately forgot about going to the bathroom when she heard his voice, and headed for the sitting room instead.
"Yes baby."
"We....I have been trying to reach you since yesterday."
He laughed. "That's quite funny, considering how you've tried to stay away for the past two months."
Siji was just walking out of her kitchen when she entered the sitting room. She beckoned on him and put the phone on speaker.
"......I must have something you need dearly, or should I say someone." Pago was saying.
"Is Rose with you?" Ese asked.
"Is lover boy with you?" He countered.
"Lover boy?" She repeated
"Now, don't play smart with me love. You have quite a smart daughter you know, she was all about Uncle Siji this, Uncle Siji that. I was forced to shut her up at some point."
"Shut her up?"
"Don't worry, she is fine. I didn't harm her, not yet."
"Not yet?" Siji could not stop himself from asking.
"I knew it, I knew lover boy was with you. Hello amigo, it's been a long while and I've missed you so." They could hear the mockery in his voice.
"I can't say the feeling is the same over here." Siji said calmly, trying to rein in his temper.
"Ohoh, you still hold a grudge after all these years? Come off it bro. I was thinking we both should grab a cup of coffee someday and reminisce on those good old days."
"I have nothing to reminisce on with you."
"Now, isn't that too bad. Anyways, I understand. You've always been a spoilsport. I wonder why I ever thought you'd change."  They could hear him chuckle. Siji had had enough
"Cut the crap Pago. You had better not let anything happen to the child, or else...."
"Or else what ? I always tell you Siji that you don't always know when to make threats. You are not in a position to make threats. I hold the bargaining chip here."
"Pago this is crazy, Rose is your daughter. If you want to punish me for whatever reason, don't use Rose please." Ese begged.
"I'm sorry baby, but I got no choice here, it has to be her. You love her, the old man loves her, I'm sure Siji loves her, everyone loves her."
"Except you?" Ese asked in a shaky voice.
"Well, let's just say I ain't everyone." Pago replied, then added. "She is the only one that can get me what I want."
"You bastard. We shouldn't be listening to you, we should..... " Siji started growling in annoyance but Ese interrupted him.
"What do you want Pago?"
"I'll tell you what I want if lover boy would keep his mouth shut."
"Siji please." Ese pleaded
"Okay Pago, let's hear what you want." Siji said in a resigned tone.
"Good. I believe you haven't reported this to the authorities."
"No, your father wouldn't allow us." Ese answered
"I thought as much. Y'all are so predictable. It should stay that way, no police, no authorities."
"Okay, what else?" Siji asked.
"Then you -lover boy- are gonna make a trip. We'll be having that cup of coffee after all."
"A trip to where?"
"Don't be in a hurry dear friend, I can't wait to see you too. I will send the details via a text message to you shortly. Don't bother to contact me, I will destroy this SIM immediately I drop the call. I will contact you. I have all your numbers. Ese, If lover boy cooperates and everything goes well, he will be coming back to you with Rose. Remember, Siji alone makes the trip, and tell no one about it, not even my dad. Okay?"
"Yea." Siji agreed.
"Good, that's all for now till you hear from me again."
Long after Pago ended the call, they were both still standing in the living room, saying nothing.


Immediately he ended the call, he switched the phone off, took out the SIM, and threw it into the fireplace he had lit up earlier. He took another SIM and inserted it into the phone. He had another call to make.

About the Author

 Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

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