Monday 3 August 2015


Its another exciting Monday, in today's episode, there is a lesson for us, never you compare yourself with anybody. Remember the son of who you are because after the fun, the rich guy has his father's inheritance to fall back on but what have you?

He smiled as he relived what happened the previous day in his mind. His movement must have woken her up because she stirred and opened her eyes
"Good morning baby, did you sleep well" she said drowsily
"Good morning sugar, surprisingly I did, giving the size of your bed, it can barely contain us both but I didn't noticed, not until now. It must have been the exhaustion. You exhaust me baby"
She smile "that's what you always say anytime you spend the night here, my bed is too small, I exhaust you, blah blah blah, yet you keep coming back"
"It's because you seem to have charmed me, I can't just stay away, even while I was away I couldn't stop thinking about you"
"And you think I'm so naive to believe that? Mr. Man I have been in this game for a while, you were probably playing video games and singing nursery rhymes when I started" she joked
He laughed out loud, her sharp mouth was one of the things he liked about her. You can't beat her in the bantering contest.
As she shifted, her backside pressed on his inner thighs and he winced
"You insatiable animal, I thought you said you were exhausted?"
"You know that guy has a mind of it's own, and it's morning, I can't keep him down in the morning"
"Not even when it's had a night full of action?"
"I guess"
"You both are impossible, and luckily for you, I'm in a pleasing mood this morning. Let's give it what it wants and relieve you of your obvious pain" she said with a glint in her eyes.
"We both will be grateful for your generosity" he grinned
She moved so that she was above him, then lowered herself unto his maleness.

The argument woke Siji up, his roommates have been arguing for like forever. They had first woken him up earlier around dawn, but he was exhausted from the previous day's stress and determined to sleep more, so he had closed his eyes hoping they would soon stop the noise. Now he is fully awake and can't even tell if he had slept for 5 minutes or 5 hours, he reached for his wrist watch under the pillow, it was 30 minutes past 9. He dragged himself to sit up on his bunk.
" if not for the godfathers in Anambra, Mbadinuju would have performed far better than Tinubu" shouted Chuka, he and Siji had met the night before.
-this is just so good- Siji thought. They were arguing about who was the better player between Zidane and Figo when he had first woken up, now it's politics. He looked up and he could count about 10 or so persons. Most rooms in Awo Hall had 3 double bunk beds and were officially meant for 6 students but with the inclusion of squatters and floaters, the number of those staying in a room was usually between ten and fifteen, it was hard to know the exact numbers because some squatters and floaters were not permanent members, they have their stuffs in one room and sleep another.
When Siji was a freshman he had stayed in Angola where it was officially 12 students per room, then he had no idea of the number of those in the room, it was not unusual to see new faces every now and then. Awolowo hall, though not good enough was a far cry from Angola hall. Pago had helped him get this space. The only students guaranteed spaces were the freshmen and those in their finals, the remaining spaces were given out in a ballot and the remaining students were left hanging to sort their accommodation out themselves, hence there were many squatters and floaters. Most of those in his room arguing were previous occupants and many of them would stay behind as floaters when the current occupants claimed their spaces. In rare cases some new occupants wouldn't show up and the would-be floater would stay on in the space. At night, all floaters and some squatters would drop their mattresses on the floor to sleep while some squatters with more accommodating "spacelords" would sleep with their "spacelords" on the bunk.
Siji's growling stomach reminded him that he didn't take anything before going to bed. He was so tired that he had only managed to shower before hitting the sack. Now he wàs very hungry, too hungry to wait to cook anything.
He had just his boxers on, he stood up in his semi-naked form and searched for his clothes, he found them on his unpacked bag, he wore his trousers and just his singlet then walked out of room as the one called Wale was saying "Kate Henshaw is ageless, it beats me why anyone in his right mind will compare Regina Askia to her? It's the highest form of disrespect"
-good, by the time I get back, they should be arguing on oranges and mangoes- Siji said to himself silently.

He  walked into the common room and headed to the multi purpose store behind the room. Some students were seated in the room watching TV.
"Can you please prepare a 50 naira worth of risky burger for me?" He asked the girl behind the counter
"You will have to wait a bit, there are about three people before you"
"OK, I will be over there watching TV, just hola at me when mine is ready"
"OK, won't you select your bread"
Siji selected a soft bread for the sandwich and went to join the others watching TV. As he was about to sit, he saw an acquaintance from home sitting at the other end of the room so he went over to say hi.
"Hello Mubarak, you didn't say you'll be coming this early when we met in lag"
Mubarak stood up and hugged him, they both were in the same department but Mubarak was a year ahead.
"It's because I didn't know as at then, actually I planned to come a week after lectures start, but then I remembered I left some stuffs behind and the person taking my space may throw them out. And I was right, when I came I met my load just outside the door, if I had been a few weeks late I probably would have lost everything.
"So where do you stay now?"
"I still stay in the room, though a floater, I managed to get enough space for my things but I sleep in Awo mosque now"
"OK, I got a space in block 7 room 9, you are welcome to come squat with me if you don't mind"
"Oh! Thanks for the offer, if they give me trouble in my room I'll bring my things over, but I may still be spending most of my time in the mosque, I'm now an exco in MSSN"
"Alfa Mubarak niyen, anyway when should I come to see you, I want to get the handouts and some of the materials you used last session, I'll also need some tips and advice about the lecturers taking each courses"
"You should give yourself a break" Mubarak teased "you are on 5.0, even if you drop, I don't think you'll drop below 4.5, you are being too serious"
"You of all people should understand Mubarak, I can't afford to mess up, I don't have that luxury"
"I know, don't mind me, was only kidding. You can come any time, if I am not in the room, I'll be at the mosque"
"Can I come to the mosque...... I mean are Christians allowed in"
"Of course, just drop your shoes at the door before entering, ask anyone you see of Alfa Mubarak. I gotta go now, I have some things to attend to. When should I be expecting you?"
"If I don't make it today, you'll see me before the week runs out, since lectures start next week"
"Okay, will sort the materials out for you, catch ya later"
They shook hands and Mubarak rushed off
Siji walked back to the store, his risky was ready, he paid for it then bought a sachet of water along with it and walked back to his room.
Thankfully the room was quiet when he got back and he met only two roommates. When he was done with his breakfast he laid on his bed and reflected on his discussion with Mubarak
-Am I being too serious?-
Mubarak had made it look as if he had no social life on campus, if only he had known. Thanks to Pago, Siji did not only have a social live, but an exciting social life. It was not as if he was exactly a saint before he met Pago, but Pago had made him do some things he never imagined he could ever do. But in everything he did, he always remembered his root and was not fool enough to compare himself with Pago, they may have the same stature and look alike as people claimed, but he knew they were still different in many ways. Siji always knew when to draw the line, he had fun in their first year but he never neglected his books, and he planned to continue in that step. Obviously Pago didn't neglect his books either.
Siji had made As in all his courses in his year one and had had a 5.0 CGPA, the highest in the faculty, followed distantly by Pago who was on 4.79, he hadn't actually aimed at having 5.0 in his first year, he had only studied hard because he knew that unlike Pago and many of the other students, he didn't have the luxury to fail, failure wasn't an option, only success, he owed it to himself, he owed it to his late mum, and most importantly, he owed it to Ma'ami.

About the Author.
Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

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