Tuesday 25 August 2015


I am really unlocking and decoding the antics some guys play to get a lady they are interested in. Now i am much more smarter. Enjoy the story.

Without thinking and in an uncharacteristic manner Siji rushed out of the theatre after her, it was as if his nervous system was on autopilot. All his brain knew was that he could not lose her again and the whole of his body worked towards achieving that sole goal.
As he exited the theatre, he saw that he had almost caught up with her, she was just a few yards ahead of him. That was when he took control of his body and broke his steps, he also tried to steady the rate of his heartbeat that seemed to have gone overdrive. Not wanting to appear as a stalker, he followed her slowly but casually as she turned left towards the entrance to Oduduwa hall, he swore as she entered the diner under the steps of the hall. He knew he would have to wait outside for her. -It's either she stays inside the dinner to take whatever she is buying or she takes it away- he thought.
If it was the latter, she may bump into him on her way out if he went in and he didn't want that to happen, he didn't want to scare her. If it was the former, he would have to wait for her outside for an unspecified period of time. He didn't want that either. He would have to strike a balance between both options. And how would he do that when he didn't know how long she would be in the diner? He decided he would go in if she didn't come out in a few minutes time. He checked his pocket, he didn't have much, just a 50 naira bill, but he was very willing to sacrifice it for her. It would be enough to buy a bottle of Soda water, it would be his ostensible reason for going to the diner.
When he checked his wristwatch and discovered he had waited for five minutes he started walking into the diner while he prayed not to bump into her.

Ese entered the diner and made for the counter where she asked for a bottle of Limca and gave the guy behind the counter 100 naira. A bottle of Limca was 50 naira, so she looked around the diner as she waited for her change. There were just four tables, each having three chairs. Three of the tables were occupied, the only free table was the one farthest from the counter and backing the entrance. She had not planned to stay in the diner to take her drink, but at that moment sitting down seemed like a great idea, she had been standing for too long, as she was thinking about sitting down, she stomach growled to remind her that she needed to buy something to eat. She turned to the counter-guy who was still trying to find her change.
"Don't worry about searching for a change, lemme have a scotch egg with it"
She took her orders and went to claim the free table. As she sat down she prayed no one would come to sit with her. She just needed to be alone for a while before she goes back to the crowd in the theatre.
"Oboy play somtin na, dis place just dry" a dude in one of the tables shouted.
"Okay, I dey come" the counter-boy said as he slot a cassette into the stereo on the counter.
It was The Plantashun Boys and Ese loved them so much, she was a huge fan of the R&B group.
-Lagbaja can wait, I must listen to the whole album before l leave here-
She started singing along
"My father used to tell me that, dreams come true, now I believe I can find it in you........."
She was so taken in by Faze's voice that she didn't notice the diner's door opening and closing.
Siji made a sign of the cross in his mind and gave a quick thanks to God when he came in and saw her sitting. He walked to the counter and bought a bottle of Soda water then walked towards her table with more confidence than he felt. She was backing him so she couldn't see him coming, it was an advantage.
"Hello, can I share the table with you?" He asked when he got to her.
Ese didn't like the intrusion, she had only been seated for a few minutes and someone was already intruding.
-Anyways, it's a public environment so he has the right to sit anywhere he pleases he is even being nice by asking- she thought, but she kept quiet and continued eating without looking up, expecting the intruder to take either of the two remaining seats at the table. But he didn't.
When she realized that he must be waiting for her to reply him before he sits, her manners kicked in and she suddenly felt bad. Wanting to make up for her bad behavior she looked up with her brightest smile and started to say "Oh! But of course, it's a free......."
The words froze in her mouth as she beheld the face smiling down at her
-oh! shit, it's him-
It was the same smile that she had first seen about a week ago and that had occupied her waking and sleeping hours ever since. She had seen it from afar with the vehicle rear glass acting as a barrier yet it had had an effect on her. Right now, seeing it up close with no barrier whatsoever made it more intense. The stubble on his cheeks couldn't hide his dimples, and his eyes shone under thick eyebrows. He looked a little bit unkempt, she noticed with his afro not well combed and his goatee a little bit too long but he was still good looking even though he needed a shave.
Siji saw the shock on her oval face before she smiled with her lips parting to reveal a perfect dentition.
-oh those full lips- he started thinking then kicked himself mentally to control his straying thoughts. He moved his eyes from her lips over her almost aquiline nose to her eyes and was glad that she recognized him.
Their eyes locked for a bit, communicating silently, sending messages of acknowledgement, both seeing themselves in each other's eyes.
"Remember me?" He said, breaking the spell
-not that your stubborn face would let me forget it-
Aloud she said "of course, I am very good with faces. I see you remember me too"
"I seem to be quite good with faces too" he said while sitting down, then he added "but again, getting drenched isn't something one easily forgets" this made her chuckle "I apologize on Ambrose's behalf"
"Yes, our driver. He wasn't really speeding, it was just that he saw the ditch too late"
-oh! Why have I forgotten that she is a butty?- 
she seemed so easy to talk to that he had easily forgotten their evident social difference, but he did not want to think about that right then. He wanted to enjoy every moment he would be spending with this lady and thinking about that difference would spoil it.
"Oh! I have forgiven Ambrose since, even before I knew he was the one who drenched me. In fact I should be grateful to him, thank him for me when you next see him"
"Why is that?" She gave him a confused look
"Cos, if not for him, it would have been a little bit harder to start a conversation with you now. Ambrose handled that for me, he gave me a foundation to build on"
She laughed while thinking -I don't think you need a foundation to get my attention-
But aloud she said "I guess so, will try to remember to deliver your message"
"Please do, by the way my name is Siji. It's actually Adesiji in full, and the surname is Adebambi"
"I am Ese, Ese Osaruwense"
"You're from Edo state" he said
"Yes, how could you tell? I was expecting you to ask where I am from. That's what most people around here do when I tell them my name"
"Actually.... I know an Ese back at home in Lagos, she was my first crush" he smiled with a smirk
Ese suddenly felt a twinge in her heart
-am I being jealous of a girl I don't know? I barely know this hunk even-
"That was when I was a kid, she was about a couple years older than me but she was my crush for many years. She is very married now"
Ese prayed that her relief wasn't as visible as it was profound
-Get a grip girl- she admonished herself.
"So now that your first crush has been taken, who is your present crush?"
-Ese! What's wrong with you?- she shouted at herself silently
She had never been this bold with a stranger. But there is something about this guy, it must be his eyes, or his smile. She couldn't really explain it but she felt like she had known him a long time.
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you"
"Try me" she said, holding her breath
He smiled that his smile again but this time it looked a little bit mischievous
"Halle Berry"
Her laughter was so loud that everyone at the diner looked their way
"Ohoh! Sorry" she said
"Yea, yes I know it's crazy and it can never be, but that's why it's called a crush. It is meant to be crazy and unattainable, most people don't eventually get to be with their crushes"
"I don't think it's crazy, many people have a crush in Hollywood. I do too"
"Really? Who is he?"
"Denzel Washington"
"Oh! That's one cute dude, if I were a girl, I'd crush on him too"
"I just like the way he acts, talks, and all"
"Yea right, so what course are you in for?"
"Economics, what about you?"
"Electronic and Electrical Engineering. I can tell you are a fresher"
"Really? Tell me how, and please don't say it's because I look fresh, I'm tired of hearing that"
"No, it was because I saw your car driving towards Mozambique that first day"
"Oh! Better"
"So how has Mozambique been? Are you enjoying it there? I mean it must be rough on you"
"It really is, but I am trying to cope. It isn't only the hostel, the school itself is something else. For example, why have special halls for freshmen, then name them after some countries?"
"I think they did that to help the freshmen. I mean you are all fresh there, so you'd be able to relate well without intimidation, and again Angola and Mozambique halls are the farthest halls from the gate, hence you guys are protected"
"What about the names?"
"Actually, both halls were built in 1975, the year both countries gained their independence from Portugal"
"How come you know all these? This information isn't in the handbook I got during the orientation program"
"It wasn't in mine when I came in too, but I was curious, so I read about the countries and saw what must be the link"
"You read well?"
"Yea" he replied then drank his Soda water for the first time since he bought it
"What kind of books do you read? What interests you?"
"You can't have interest in everything, there should be some specific areas you like most"
"I'm serious, I am a voracious reader, I read anything I can lay my hands on. But the books I read mostly are history books, fictions and educational stuffs"
"What  kinda fiction?"
"Bestsellers mainly, adventures and thrillers. I read romance once in awhile too"
"Oh! I used to think only girls read romance"
"You have been thinking wrong, I do"
"You have any favorite authors?"
"Yea, a few, Sydney Sheldon, he is my best, then John Grisham, Mario Puzo, Robert Ludlum, Sandra Brown, Jackie Collins.."
"Oh! I so love Sandra Brown" she cut in then added "Jackie Collins is a little bit too raw, don't you think?"
"I think she is more explicit with her sex scenes, but isn't that what you girls want?"
Ese giggled "Maybe"
They sat there and talked for a long time not minding the time, and that the diner was now empty but for the two of them and the counter dude.
They had to leave when he told them he was closing for the night. Siji gulped down what was left in his bottle as they stood to leave.
When they got outside they noticed that everywhere was quite, even the noise from the theatre had ceased.
Siji looked at his wristwatch and exclaimed in surprise
"It's 2:15am. No wonder everywhere is quiet, they've finished the show. Thank God it's Saturday"
"Oh! My friend must have thought I left without informing her, she'd be pissed" Ese said thinking of how to explain her disappearance to Teju.
"I also came with a friend, but he is a big boy, he can take care of himself"
"My friend is a big girl too, but a nosy big girl. I only told her I was going to get a drink, she'd want to know why I didn't come back"
They started walking towards the halls of residence
"Tell her the truth then"
"And what, pray tell, is the truth?"
"That a prince charming waylaid you at the diner and convinced you to spend the night with him"
This made her laughing so loud that she drew the attention of a couple of guys walking towards them.
"O'n tan e, o'n rerin, o je ma da l'ohun" one of the guys said jokingly as they walked passed
"What did he just say?" She asked him
"He said you shouldn't be deceived by my lies"
"This aro thing sef, don't they mind their business here?"
"It's just a means to catch fun, don't take them serious"
"I know, it's just that they tend to overdo it at times" she said, then added "and I didn't spend the night with you"
"Really? So what did you do?"
"I...I .. you know what I mean Siji. That was a double entendre. I didn't spend the night with you...... not in that sense"
"Yea, I know what you meant and I didn't mean it in that sense either"
They walked silently side by side through Moremi walkway, past Alumni and Awo halls. When they were in front of the Murtala Muhammed Postgraduate hall he asked her if he could see her again. She said sure, but that it might not be anytime soon because she wants to use the weekend to prepare for lectures that is starting the next Monday. He asked for her block and room and she told him.
They said their goodbyes in front of Moz and she watched him disappeared into Awo extension before she went into her hall.
Teju and the other girls were already sleeping when she got to the room. She was so exhausted herself that she was already sleeping before her head hit the pillow.

About the Author,

Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

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