Sunday 30 August 2015


Now, where were you last night?"
"Oh! Good morning to you too, how was your night? Hope it was as great as mine?"
"Don't play smart with me Ese. How did  'I want to go get a drink'  turn into an all night disappearance? I was worried all through the night"
"Yes, worried enough to sleep"
"That's not funny Ese. I don't like what you just said"
Ese knew what she said was wrong. Teju had been sincerely concerned, even though she had taken it a little bit too far by acting like her mum. Her actions had been born out of good intentions. Ese on the order hand had been defensive because she didn't know how to explain what had happened the previous night to her friend. Teju may not understand and she would ask questions that Ese would not be able to answer.
"I am sorry I said that, it's just the way you jumped on me with questions without even saying hi. You almost sounded like my mum there"
"Okay, I am sorry I jumped on you" Teju said with a little contrition, then continued immediately "Oya, will you tell me now?"
Ese smiled "I know you won't let me go easily"
"No, I won't. So you had better tell me now"
"I was with someone"
"A guy actually, I met him at the diner and we got talking, by the time we left the diner the show had ended and I knew you must have left so I didn't bother checking inside the theatre. He walked me to Moz and that was it.
"But....but I checked everywhere for you after the show, I looked for you at every drink selling joint around"
"You didn't check the diner I was in there, it is the one close to the steps leading to Oduduwa hall"
"Oh! Okay, and this guy, he must be someone special for you guys to spend that long together, right? Have you guys met before?"
"Not really, he was good to talk too, and again I needed to sit down after standing and dancing for so long, the diner provided that" Ese answered evasively
"Why do I think there is more to this than you are letting on?"
"That's it really, I was comfortable at the diner and wasn't aware of the time"
"What were you guys talking about?"
"Stuffs like?"
Ese sighed and answered "about the school, books, history, life.."
"Will you be seeing him again?"
"Maybe? You mean he didn't ask for your number or something?
"What about your room number?"
"He did and I told him, and that's all I am telling you. Buzz off, no more questions"
"Okay baby" Teju said then added "by the way I spoke with Pago after the show, he said to tell you that he will be dropping by this evening"
"And what did you tell him"
"What else, other than I will pass the message across"
"Ohoh! You should have told him I won't be free, or that I will be out, or..or...anything just to keep him away"
"You don't like him, do you?"
"I don't hate him"
"You know what I mean"
"Okay, let's just say he is not my kinda guy"
"I think he is bad for you too, he was with two girls when we spoke, they were both holding on to him like he was candy"
Ese laughed "We've talked about boys enough. Will you help me loose my hair please, it's itching me already. I plan to plait a new style later in the evening or tomorrow"
"Okay, have you found a place to plait?"
"Not really, I will check around, there are lots of them around"
"Don't worry, I will take you to the woman in old buka."
she is the one my sister goes to. She is very good and has good hands, not the kind that will give you headache"

They both were on Ma'ami's bed, lying on their sides and facing each other but not touching, he knew he would be in trouble if Ma'ami finds them like this, but he didn't  care one bit.
"I like your lips" he whispered huskily and she smiled
"Can I kiss them please? just for a moment" he pleaded and she nodded shyly without saying a word. So he moved his head forward as she also leaned her head towards him, he licked his lips and pushed them forward as they both closed their eyes. Just as his lips was about to touch Ese's lips he was interrupted by a distant voice calling in Yoruba.
"Ekaro, se ema fo'so? dai jins, agbo jedi"
Siji slightly opened his eyes and discovered that he was in his room in Awo and not at home in Lagos, that he was on his bunk and not on Ma'ami's bed, but the most painful realisation was that he was alone. He quickly closed his eyes to continue from where they had stopped before the interruption but the voice came again, louder this time.
"Ekaro, se ema fo'so? dai jins, agbo jedi"
Siji was fully awake now. He cursed as he rose to sit on his bed and watched the woman who woke him from his dream. He could see her through the window as she walked on the balcony, passed the front of his room.
What she was saying saying in Yoruba was "Good morning, do you have laundry to do? Come dye your jeans and buy herbs for pile".
She and many like her who come every morning to advertise their goods and services had always served as his alarm but he had never been pissed at any of them as he was that morning. He never patronised them, he saw it as waste of money. He could do his laundry himself, why would he want to dye his jeans? And he was sure he prepared better herbs than all of them. He viewed the students who patronised them as being lazy and having enough money to waste.
He dipped his hand under his pillow to pull his wristwatch, it was 8:30am but it was Saturday so he lingered a bit.  The room was unusually quiet, some of his roommates were still sleeping. Chuka was cooking and the heat from the hot plate gave the room a welcomed warmth. It was a cold morning. Siji could see Pastor Segun, the oldest and most religious person in the room. The "Pastor" in front of his name was like the proverbial stone used to killed two birds. It was to show that he was religious and at the same time to avoid calling him by his name since he was quite old. Pastor Segun was on his bed studying the Bible. It reminded Siji that he had not prayed, even though Ma'ami was very religious, Siji wasn't very religious. He often times forget to pray and read the Bible albeit Ma'ami made him promise her he would do both at least twice a day. He fetched his Bible and opened it to the 24th psalm. It was one of his favorite chapters in the Bible. He liked the latter part most. When he got to the 7th verse he raised his voice slightly but not loud enough to disturb.
"Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in...Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory."
Then he prayed for a couple of minutes. As he got off the bed and wore his trousers he remembered that he planned to go to swim with Pago and Kalu at the staff club. But no need to rush he had to eat breakfast first. He would not enjoy swimming on an empty stomach, especially when the last thing he took was Soda water.
"Chuka hope say nobody don book for the hot plate after you?"  He asked his roomie.
"Hala me if your beans don don abeg, me sef wan cook beans"
"No wahala, e go soon don sef, e just remain small make the water dry"
"Wa sere jare, well done, make I start to dey pick my beans"  Siji said as he opened the locker where he kept foodstuffs.

About the Author.
Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Tuesday 25 August 2015


I am really unlocking and decoding the antics some guys play to get a lady they are interested in. Now i am much more smarter. Enjoy the story.

Without thinking and in an uncharacteristic manner Siji rushed out of the theatre after her, it was as if his nervous system was on autopilot. All his brain knew was that he could not lose her again and the whole of his body worked towards achieving that sole goal.
As he exited the theatre, he saw that he had almost caught up with her, she was just a few yards ahead of him. That was when he took control of his body and broke his steps, he also tried to steady the rate of his heartbeat that seemed to have gone overdrive. Not wanting to appear as a stalker, he followed her slowly but casually as she turned left towards the entrance to Oduduwa hall, he swore as she entered the diner under the steps of the hall. He knew he would have to wait outside for her. -It's either she stays inside the dinner to take whatever she is buying or she takes it away- he thought.
If it was the latter, she may bump into him on her way out if he went in and he didn't want that to happen, he didn't want to scare her. If it was the former, he would have to wait for her outside for an unspecified period of time. He didn't want that either. He would have to strike a balance between both options. And how would he do that when he didn't know how long she would be in the diner? He decided he would go in if she didn't come out in a few minutes time. He checked his pocket, he didn't have much, just a 50 naira bill, but he was very willing to sacrifice it for her. It would be enough to buy a bottle of Soda water, it would be his ostensible reason for going to the diner.
When he checked his wristwatch and discovered he had waited for five minutes he started walking into the diner while he prayed not to bump into her.

Ese entered the diner and made for the counter where she asked for a bottle of Limca and gave the guy behind the counter 100 naira. A bottle of Limca was 50 naira, so she looked around the diner as she waited for her change. There were just four tables, each having three chairs. Three of the tables were occupied, the only free table was the one farthest from the counter and backing the entrance. She had not planned to stay in the diner to take her drink, but at that moment sitting down seemed like a great idea, she had been standing for too long, as she was thinking about sitting down, she stomach growled to remind her that she needed to buy something to eat. She turned to the counter-guy who was still trying to find her change.
"Don't worry about searching for a change, lemme have a scotch egg with it"
She took her orders and went to claim the free table. As she sat down she prayed no one would come to sit with her. She just needed to be alone for a while before she goes back to the crowd in the theatre.
"Oboy play somtin na, dis place just dry" a dude in one of the tables shouted.
"Okay, I dey come" the counter-boy said as he slot a cassette into the stereo on the counter.
It was The Plantashun Boys and Ese loved them so much, she was a huge fan of the R&B group.
-Lagbaja can wait, I must listen to the whole album before l leave here-
She started singing along
"My father used to tell me that, dreams come true, now I believe I can find it in you........."
She was so taken in by Faze's voice that she didn't notice the diner's door opening and closing.
Siji made a sign of the cross in his mind and gave a quick thanks to God when he came in and saw her sitting. He walked to the counter and bought a bottle of Soda water then walked towards her table with more confidence than he felt. She was backing him so she couldn't see him coming, it was an advantage.
"Hello, can I share the table with you?" He asked when he got to her.
Ese didn't like the intrusion, she had only been seated for a few minutes and someone was already intruding.
-Anyways, it's a public environment so he has the right to sit anywhere he pleases he is even being nice by asking- she thought, but she kept quiet and continued eating without looking up, expecting the intruder to take either of the two remaining seats at the table. But he didn't.
When she realized that he must be waiting for her to reply him before he sits, her manners kicked in and she suddenly felt bad. Wanting to make up for her bad behavior she looked up with her brightest smile and started to say "Oh! But of course, it's a free......."
The words froze in her mouth as she beheld the face smiling down at her
-oh! shit, it's him-
It was the same smile that she had first seen about a week ago and that had occupied her waking and sleeping hours ever since. She had seen it from afar with the vehicle rear glass acting as a barrier yet it had had an effect on her. Right now, seeing it up close with no barrier whatsoever made it more intense. The stubble on his cheeks couldn't hide his dimples, and his eyes shone under thick eyebrows. He looked a little bit unkempt, she noticed with his afro not well combed and his goatee a little bit too long but he was still good looking even though he needed a shave.
Siji saw the shock on her oval face before she smiled with her lips parting to reveal a perfect dentition.
-oh those full lips- he started thinking then kicked himself mentally to control his straying thoughts. He moved his eyes from her lips over her almost aquiline nose to her eyes and was glad that she recognized him.
Their eyes locked for a bit, communicating silently, sending messages of acknowledgement, both seeing themselves in each other's eyes.
"Remember me?" He said, breaking the spell
-not that your stubborn face would let me forget it-
Aloud she said "of course, I am very good with faces. I see you remember me too"
"I seem to be quite good with faces too" he said while sitting down, then he added "but again, getting drenched isn't something one easily forgets" this made her chuckle "I apologize on Ambrose's behalf"
"Yes, our driver. He wasn't really speeding, it was just that he saw the ditch too late"
-oh! Why have I forgotten that she is a butty?- 
she seemed so easy to talk to that he had easily forgotten their evident social difference, but he did not want to think about that right then. He wanted to enjoy every moment he would be spending with this lady and thinking about that difference would spoil it.
"Oh! I have forgiven Ambrose since, even before I knew he was the one who drenched me. In fact I should be grateful to him, thank him for me when you next see him"
"Why is that?" She gave him a confused look
"Cos, if not for him, it would have been a little bit harder to start a conversation with you now. Ambrose handled that for me, he gave me a foundation to build on"
She laughed while thinking -I don't think you need a foundation to get my attention-
But aloud she said "I guess so, will try to remember to deliver your message"
"Please do, by the way my name is Siji. It's actually Adesiji in full, and the surname is Adebambi"
"I am Ese, Ese Osaruwense"
"You're from Edo state" he said
"Yes, how could you tell? I was expecting you to ask where I am from. That's what most people around here do when I tell them my name"
"Actually.... I know an Ese back at home in Lagos, she was my first crush" he smiled with a smirk
Ese suddenly felt a twinge in her heart
-am I being jealous of a girl I don't know? I barely know this hunk even-
"That was when I was a kid, she was about a couple years older than me but she was my crush for many years. She is very married now"
Ese prayed that her relief wasn't as visible as it was profound
-Get a grip girl- she admonished herself.
"So now that your first crush has been taken, who is your present crush?"
-Ese! What's wrong with you?- she shouted at herself silently
She had never been this bold with a stranger. But there is something about this guy, it must be his eyes, or his smile. She couldn't really explain it but she felt like she had known him a long time.
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you"
"Try me" she said, holding her breath
He smiled that his smile again but this time it looked a little bit mischievous
"Halle Berry"
Her laughter was so loud that everyone at the diner looked their way
"Ohoh! Sorry" she said
"Yea, yes I know it's crazy and it can never be, but that's why it's called a crush. It is meant to be crazy and unattainable, most people don't eventually get to be with their crushes"
"I don't think it's crazy, many people have a crush in Hollywood. I do too"
"Really? Who is he?"
"Denzel Washington"
"Oh! That's one cute dude, if I were a girl, I'd crush on him too"
"I just like the way he acts, talks, and all"
"Yea right, so what course are you in for?"
"Economics, what about you?"
"Electronic and Electrical Engineering. I can tell you are a fresher"
"Really? Tell me how, and please don't say it's because I look fresh, I'm tired of hearing that"
"No, it was because I saw your car driving towards Mozambique that first day"
"Oh! Better"
"So how has Mozambique been? Are you enjoying it there? I mean it must be rough on you"
"It really is, but I am trying to cope. It isn't only the hostel, the school itself is something else. For example, why have special halls for freshmen, then name them after some countries?"
"I think they did that to help the freshmen. I mean you are all fresh there, so you'd be able to relate well without intimidation, and again Angola and Mozambique halls are the farthest halls from the gate, hence you guys are protected"
"What about the names?"
"Actually, both halls were built in 1975, the year both countries gained their independence from Portugal"
"How come you know all these? This information isn't in the handbook I got during the orientation program"
"It wasn't in mine when I came in too, but I was curious, so I read about the countries and saw what must be the link"
"You read well?"
"Yea" he replied then drank his Soda water for the first time since he bought it
"What kind of books do you read? What interests you?"
"You can't have interest in everything, there should be some specific areas you like most"
"I'm serious, I am a voracious reader, I read anything I can lay my hands on. But the books I read mostly are history books, fictions and educational stuffs"
"What  kinda fiction?"
"Bestsellers mainly, adventures and thrillers. I read romance once in awhile too"
"Oh! I used to think only girls read romance"
"You have been thinking wrong, I do"
"You have any favorite authors?"
"Yea, a few, Sydney Sheldon, he is my best, then John Grisham, Mario Puzo, Robert Ludlum, Sandra Brown, Jackie Collins.."
"Oh! I so love Sandra Brown" she cut in then added "Jackie Collins is a little bit too raw, don't you think?"
"I think she is more explicit with her sex scenes, but isn't that what you girls want?"
Ese giggled "Maybe"
They sat there and talked for a long time not minding the time, and that the diner was now empty but for the two of them and the counter dude.
They had to leave when he told them he was closing for the night. Siji gulped down what was left in his bottle as they stood to leave.
When they got outside they noticed that everywhere was quite, even the noise from the theatre had ceased.
Siji looked at his wristwatch and exclaimed in surprise
"It's 2:15am. No wonder everywhere is quiet, they've finished the show. Thank God it's Saturday"
"Oh! My friend must have thought I left without informing her, she'd be pissed" Ese said thinking of how to explain her disappearance to Teju.
"I also came with a friend, but he is a big boy, he can take care of himself"
"My friend is a big girl too, but a nosy big girl. I only told her I was going to get a drink, she'd want to know why I didn't come back"
They started walking towards the halls of residence
"Tell her the truth then"
"And what, pray tell, is the truth?"
"That a prince charming waylaid you at the diner and convinced you to spend the night with him"
This made her laughing so loud that she drew the attention of a couple of guys walking towards them.
"O'n tan e, o'n rerin, o je ma da l'ohun" one of the guys said jokingly as they walked passed
"What did he just say?" She asked him
"He said you shouldn't be deceived by my lies"
"This aro thing sef, don't they mind their business here?"
"It's just a means to catch fun, don't take them serious"
"I know, it's just that they tend to overdo it at times" she said, then added "and I didn't spend the night with you"
"Really? So what did you do?"
"I...I .. you know what I mean Siji. That was a double entendre. I didn't spend the night with you...... not in that sense"
"Yea, I know what you meant and I didn't mean it in that sense either"
They walked silently side by side through Moremi walkway, past Alumni and Awo halls. When they were in front of the Murtala Muhammed Postgraduate hall he asked her if he could see her again. She said sure, but that it might not be anytime soon because she wants to use the weekend to prepare for lectures that is starting the next Monday. He asked for her block and room and she told him.
They said their goodbyes in front of Moz and she watched him disappeared into Awo extension before she went into her hall.
Teju and the other girls were already sleeping when she got to the room. She was so exhausted herself that she was already sleeping before her head hit the pillow.

About the Author,

Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Sunday 23 August 2015


Omo! Gbemi saaaya, ah ah, gbemi saaaya, baba to bi mi lomo ko ma ma somi l'onkul, kilode to fin pemi l'onkul? I no be your uncle, your uncle dey for your village.... Omoooo anything for me? Sogbo sogbo?" the masked one sang,
"Lagbaja nothing for you" the crowd's reply echoed and reverberated within and without the Africa Amphitheatre.
The theatre which was once opened to the sky, but now covered is one of the theatres that make up the Oduduwa hall building, an impressive building housing two lecture theatres, the amphitheatre and Oduduwa hall itself. It also has several open spaces that have been converted to shops, photo studios, diners and business centres. The crowd sang along,  as the performer blew his saxophone then danced rhythmically to the bata drums, moving his legs and body as only a seasoned and skillful bata  dancer would.
The 5,000 capacity theatre was filled to capacity and overflowing. Some students were even standing or dancing in the aisles. Lagbaja was known to draw a large crowd, more so in Ife, he was their son, their personal person, an alumnus. But his major attraction was his style of entertainment. His style was unique and new, he only appears as a masquerade and picked the name Lagbaja meaning "No one in particular".
This particular night, Lagbaja drove his fans into near frenzy as he played his saxophone with great expertise and danced.
Ese, despite herself was moving to the beats. This was her second outing after the other night days ago and just like then Teju had coerced her into coming. She didn't know who lagbaja was, hence she had not been interested in coming, she had become even less interested when Teju had told her he was a masquerade, her strict christian upbringing had kicked against it. But Teju had assured her that he was just a musician with a unique style and there was nothing fetish about him. Looking back now, she was glad she had come, she really was having a great time, she was even dancing. They had come early enough to sit at a place where they'd have a good view of the stage but they soon found that it was unnecessary since everyone in front of them stood up as the show began, so they were forced to stand up too. Teju was really digging it beside her, unlike her Teju was a good dancer. The tune changed and the masked man started singing another song
"Sebi naija niye ooo sisi, ose wan pa'jo lekun ooo, bi oyinbo ooo? ...Owo gba'Lesa, ese gba Pota, ori wa'n fi lugbelugbe bi agaama. Oya kokon bilo kon bilo"
Some students rushed down the aisle to the front of the theatre and would have jumped on the stage but for the bouncers who stopped them. Ese stopped dancing and became a spectator instead. She watched with interest, the drama being performed in the front of the theatre. Boys and girls, lined in a straight line, facing the stage and backing the audience bent down, placed their hands on their knees and shook their backside to the rhythm of the song. It was as if they had rehearsed it and Ese would have thought they had, had she not known some of them. Then she saw Pago too in the front, but he wasn't dancing, he was raining naira bills on the dancers. She had not seen him since the other night, not that he had not kept in touch. He had tried to organize another date but she had always found an excuse. It was either she was too busy or too tired or something, even Kalu had tried to make the four of them go out again but she had pleaded tiredness. Not that she didn't find Pago attractive, he sure was attractive but something told her Pago was bad news or maybe it was because she kept comparing him with him.
Now Ese turned to tap Teju to show her what was happening in the front.
"He has the money, let him spend it" Teju said and resumed her dancing but Ese was not done with her
"Why isn't Kalu here? It doesn't look like he is with his friend either" Ese asked
"Kalu has his hands filled now, so he couldn't come, he told me he has an assignment to do"
"This early in the semester?"
"You know he is in medicine, they have peculiar academic calendars I hear"
"Yea, right"
A while later, Ese felt she needed something to drink, the dancing had made her quite dehydrated.
"I want to go get me something to drink Teju, will be back shortly" she said as she stepped onto the aisle without looking back to check if her dancing friend had heard her.
Siji had always been a huge fan of lagbaja right from his secondary secondary school days. He could remember he once played truant at school just so not to miss lagbaja when he visited his neighbourhood to perform, so it was only a giving that he would be attending the show in amphitheatre. He hadn't really had time for social events since he came. Pago and Kalu would visit him every morning at his hall and give him a gist of their MOZ 101 escapades. Kalu claimed he was serious with a girl whose name was Teju while Pago had been with several girls in the past week including Teju's friend. Though he didn't really like going to anglomoz, he had been tempted to go with them because of her. He was sure she was a freshman because he had seen the Mercedes drove towards Mozambique. He had not been able to keep her off his mind since the day he saw her and who knows? He may bump into her if he followed his friends to MOZ 101, but it was only on an off chance that he would see her and since he had little believe in off chances, he had stayed behind. But nothing could have kept him from coming to this show.
He had come with Pago. Kalu couldn't make it, he was occupied by a pre-semester assignment.
They were running late because Pago had asked him to accompany him to one of the privately owned hostels in town to pick some girls and the girls were keeping them waiting for like forever.
"We are going for a show not on a date or for a dinner. What do you need these girls for?" Siji asked Pago irritably as they waited for the girls in the car.
"It should be 'what we need them for' not 'what I need them for'" Pago said with a smirk
"Excuse me?"
"They are just two girls, one for both of us. And I know that we are going for a show but them girls have a way of making things more interesting."
"You have to stop this your habit of trying to hook me up with girls, you know I don't like it"
"Siji you don't have a social life, you don't even have a girlfriend. Everything isn't about studies bro"
"I'm not saying everything is about studies, I am just saying I don't like these impromptu blind dates you like setting up for me"
"This isn't a date remember? It's a show, and who says you must like her? It's just for the evening, have fun and stop being such a spoilsport"
"You don't seem to under......"
"Now, here they come, just smile, be nice and have fun" Pago interrupted as the girls appeared. Pago did the introduction. Siji found out that they both were not students, they were just in town to prepare for UME. It was common practice for candidates to travel to university towns to prepare for their UME because such towns are filled with preparatory centres.
When they got to the theatre, everywhere seemed to be filled but Pago managed to get a good spot for them close to the main entrance.
"Why aren't you dancing?" The girl that Pago had gotten for him asked after a while. He look down at her smiling face. "I just don't feel like, I'd rather look"
She shrugged and continued dancing. He didn't even know her name, he hadn't been paying attention when Pago did the introduction, she had a pretty face and minute stature. Not that she wasn't attractive, he just was not interested.
"Look, they are going to the front to dance, let's join them" the skinny girl with Pago said
"Are you coming buddy?" Pago asked Siji
"No, you guys go on and enjoy yourselves, I'll be here waiting"
"Spoilsport" Pago muttered as he and the two girls rushed down the aisle to the front.
Siji was enjoying the show, he was singing and moving but not exactly dancing.
He didn't know what exactly made him turn to look at his side, but he did, and he was glad he did. Because he turned just in time to see her walking out of the theatre.

About the Author

Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Friday 21 August 2015


The girls didn't know the school as much as the guys, so Teju simply asked to be taken to "anywhere nice". Pago drove while Kalu sat in the front, the girls took the backseat. He took them to the Students' Union Building
" the restaurant here is cool and quiet, a nice venue for a quiet evening. Unlike New Buka that is always noisy" he had said. But the real reason he had chosen here was not because of the noise, it was because of Cynthia. Although they both had an understanding, she had been behaving weird lately, going mushy mushy on him. He didn't want to risk her seeing him with another girl just hours after leaving her bed.
Kalu saw through the reasons Pago gave
- when did noise start becoming an issue with Pago- he thought.
Pago had always thrived on noise. He even makes it when he feels the environment is too quiet.
  They ordered at the counter, and took their meals to a table at the far end of the restaurant. Ese was quiet most of the time, she only spoke when spoken to. She observed as she ate her meal that Kalu was the chatty type and he is also kinda funny. Teju laughed at all his jokes even those that appeared silly to Ese. "
Many Yoruba words were gotten from Igbo" he was saying
"Do you know how the word "were" come to mean a mad person in Yoruba?" He asked
"No, let's here it" Teju urged
"It was said that the Yoruba people didn't know what to call mad people, not until a mad man from the east managed to cross the Niger and found himself in Yoruba land. He always had this sack with him with lots of trash worthy items in it and he would offer these items to the Yoruba kids saying 'were' mean 'take' in Igbo. Later the kids started giving him trash too and saying "were" to him too. They soon started calling him 'were'"
Teju and Kalu burst out laughing when he was through
Ese too smiled and said "that was meant to be joke right? It didn't actually happen?"
"No, it didn't. Actually... I made it up"
"Oh! That's brilliant of you, you'll make a good comedian" Teju cooed
Ese rolled her eyes in her mind. Make it as a comedian? Now her friend was taking the praises too far. It's not like the 'were' joke was exactly funny
"Thanks, but I'd rather be a doctor" Kalu said
"I thought you are only studying that because your dad is a doctor" Teju said
"Initially that was the reason, he chose the course for me, but I soon developed interest in it. I see it as a passion now"
"Just like my own father is making me study Elect/Elect Engineering" Pago not wanting to be left out, cut in
"That was what he studied too, and what he started with before he decided to diversify into other stuffs like...."
There was no stopping Pago whenever he started talking. He told them about his dad's companies and achievements, then moved on to the summer holidays he himself had spent outside the country and the number of countries he had visited.
In a weird way, Ese found Pago interesting. She normally didn't like braggers, but there was something about this particular braggadocio that made her want to listen to him even though she also lived his kind of life and had visited many of the countries he mentioned.
"If you go to most beaches in Valletta, the capital city of Malta, you'll think they are having a sunbathing competition because of the number of people of different colors, ages and shapes you'll see lying under the Mediterranean sun in various degrees of undress. I only go there for sightseeing or window shopping"
"What do you window shop in a beach?" Ese asked him with a confused look on her face
"What else, but the sunbathers" he replied and they all laughed
Pago wasn't just a bragger, he was an intelligent bragger. He knew how to hold an audience, and he had lots of stories to tell. It was as if the other three by way of a silent consensus allowed him to continue without interrupting him. They only talked when they had questions to ask and the number of questions asked dwindled as the night stretched.
At some point, Ese said they had better start going because she was starting to feel sleepy. Pago protested but he couldn't make them stay longer since Teju wanted to leave too.
Kalu drove this time and Teju sat with him in the front while Pago and Ese sat at the back.
"I had a great night" Pago whispered to Ese
"Surprisingly, I did too. I didn't expect I would" she replied
"There is no dull moment with me my dear"
"I am not gonna argue that"
"Anyway, I wanna thank you for coming"
-oh! He's got some manners after all-
"I had no choice, you practically blackmailed me into coming. You don't play fair Pago"
He chuckled "No, I don't. By the way, I like the way you say my name, you say it with a sweet accent"
"It's a good thing you like it, because I know I am not saying it rightly"
"Whichever way you say it is right by me querida"
"Now what does that mean"
"Querida means 'My dear' in Español. I knew the moment I set my eyes on you that we are going to be friends and hopefully something more, you must know that I find you very attractive, it's like I have been waiting for you to be admitted into the school. Little wonder I had no luck with the opposite sex in my first year"
"How many girls have you used that line for?" She asked smiling
"It isn't a line, just my heart speaking"
"I am not into the relationship thing now, not at the moment" she said but he could see from her eyes that his compliments pleased her
"I guess I am asking for too much too early, but can we be friends Ese?"
"I've got no problem with being friends"
"Good, I'll have to make do with that for now."
The car stopped and Pago realized they were already in anglomoz
-shit- he cursed in his mind
As Ese made for the door he held her hand and asked
"Can we do this again tomorrow evening? Just you and I"
"No, I'll be busy, I have a lot of things to do. I'm still trying to settle down"
"What about the day after tomorrow?"
"I will be busy throughout the week, so don't hold your breath"
"I am sure you'll find time, we can work something out"
"Suit yourself" she said, shrugging, then hurriedly got out of the car to meet her friend who was already out, before he could stop her again.
Pago got out to move to the front as the girls waved at them.
"How far?" Kalu asked as he turned the steering "I heard both of you whispering"
"She is stubborn, but she will fall I know" Pago said confidently
Kalu took a deep sigh "will you please stay away from her Pago? I don't want you hurting her, not when she is Teju's friend"
"Oga abeg carry us go house, you and dis Teju babe sef"  Kalu was silent as he drove towards the quarters.
A girl on a lower bunk bed in block K room 7 Mozambique hall was finding it hard to sleep, images of a tall, lean and muscular body kept intruding her mind whenever she closed her eyes. The problem was not really the body, for the body was clear. The problem was the face or faces. The position of the faces who seemed to be fighting for supremacy in her head gave her her longest spell of insomnia.
About the Author
Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.


Monday 17 August 2015


Its him- Ese thought -the guy on the sidewalk, from yesterday-
She had been curious, wanting to know who Kalu was, so she had fixed her eyes on the door. From the location of the bunk where she was lying down, she could easily see whoever was coming in without being seen by the person, or so she thought. Because though she was able to see the first guy who came in and who also must be Kalu, judging from the awkward hug Teju gave him, she couldn't see the tall lanky guy behind him. He was a bit too tall for her to see him from her bed, the bunks in the room were blocking his face. She could see him up to his neck as he stood by the doorway and she found him somewhat familiar, then she realized it must be the guy from yesterday who was drenched by Ambrose. Her heart rate increased to about 1.5 beats per second. Since the incident yesterday, she had been thinking of him off and on, thinking of the way the expression on his face had changed from shock to annoyance then to something she could not still fathom even after thinking it through several times, all she knew was that she had liked it when he had smiled, then laughed. She could still remember vividly the way his face had lit up when he laughed and waved at her. She had not thought about seeing him again, let alone so soon, and in her room? She believed right then that the saying 'A small world' albeit a cliché, is an understatement.
"This is my friend Pago" Kalu was saying as Teju smiled up at him
"It's nice to finally meet you Pago, I have heard a lot about you from Kalu" she stretched her hand
"Not all good I'm afraid, it's my pleasure too, Teju, to finally meet the lady that has bewitched my good friend" Teju smiled, he shook her hand
"You guys should come on in, you can wait a bit in my corner while I tidy some things up and we would be on our way"
She led them to her corner, where she met Ese already sitting up on her bed
"Meet my friend and bunkie Ese"  Teju introduced her
"Ese this is Kalu" they shook hands
"And this is Pago" Ese stretched out her hand for a shake and looked up for the first time. -it's not him-
She could not say if what she felt was relief or disappointment.
The pair of eyes looking at her now was not his. The face was smiling, but it wasn't the smile she had held her breath few seconds ago for, the smile she was expecting was one that seemed to reflect the heart. The face was now looking at her speculatively, and she realised she must have been gawking. She shook his outstretched hand hurriedly and murmured the perfunctory "nice to meet you"
"My pleasure Ese. Why are you not dressed" he asked
She was taken aback by his question "excuse me?"
"I mean is this how you plan to go out, not that it isn't cool or something but compared to your friend here, you look underdressed"
The three of them looked at Pago as if he had suddenly grown a pair of horns. Even Kalu was trying to make sense out of what his friend was saying.
"And who told you I am going out" Ese asked slightly confused
"I thought Kalu told Teju I'd be coming along and she in turn......." Pago trailed off as he turned to look at Kalu straight in the eye, questioningly. Kalu held his gaze for few seconds then looked at Teju. She was looking at him with the what-the-hell-is-your-friend-saying look. At that point Kalu would have gladly smashed Pago's head if he had a weapon. He knew the game Pago was playing but he didn't want to be drawn into it, not when something was at stake, not when Teju was at stake.
"Yes..., no...," he stuttered. Teju decided to come to the rescue
"I believe Kalu forgot to inform me that you'll be tagging along" she said, giving Pago a plastic  smile
"Now, how is that my fault? Pago said, "and it won't be cool for me to just follow you guys without someone of my own, you two will have yourself, I in turn will have no one. I'd just be your chauffeur, but Ese would remedy that if she'd agree to go with us"
Kalu looked at Ese pleadingly "will you please come with us?"
"No, I didn't plan to go out this night and I'm not changing my mind about that" she couldn't allow this tall hunk browbeat her into going out when she didn't feel like it
"It doesn't need planning Ese, you are okay just the way are, it isn't anything formal, it's just a casual evening" Kalu pleaded further.
"If you guys will excuse us, I need to have a word with Ese" Teju cut in as she took Ese's hand and pulled her through the backdoor to the back of the room.
"I'd appreciate it next time if you'd warn me before trying to pull such a stunt. I didn't like the situation you put me through" Kalu whispered to Pago when they were alone
"Come off it bro, you are all shaky and tensed because of this Teju babe. And besides, I never planned it, its not like I knew I would be pulling such a stunt on our way here. You never told me Teju has a friend, a pretty one at that"
"It's because I am just seeing her friend for the first time too, she never told me about her"
"Stop sulking, I need a babe this night too. You can't be having fun while I look on"
Kalu didn't bother to remind Pago of the number of times he had looked on while Pago had had all the fun
"I can't just allow this girl slip off that easily, she is a fresh fish. Anyway, it's just for MOZ 101, isn't it why we are here?"
"Teju is more than just a MOZ 101 babe to me" Kalu said uneasily
"Really? We'll see"
As they got outside the room, Ese turned on Teju
"What's all that about?"
"I don't know either, I was as confused as you were too"
"That guy is so annoyingly presumptuous"
"Yea" Teju acquiesced "but you like him, I noticed the way you gawked at him"
"I admit I was staring at some point, but that was only because he looked very much like someone I..." she trailed off
"Like who?" Teju asked suspiciously
"Like no one, forget it"
"Okay, if you insist. Ese will you reconsider and go out with us?"
"No Teju, I already said I don't feel like going out"
"Pleaessssssse, I promise we won't be out long and if Pago or whatever he calls himself starts misbehaving I'd pounce on him and teach him some home training his mum must have forgotten to add to Upbringing 101"
Teju knew she had her when Ese laughed
"But I am not even well dressed Teju"
"You are okay the way you look, you'll be okay in only wrappers even"
"Don't patronise me please"
"I wasn't patronizing you, I only said that to stress my point. Please dear, say you will come, for me"
"Okay, okay, I will, but I am not promising to be nice to him"
All Teju heard was "okay", she hugged her friend, then kissed her on the cheek and said "Thanks, now let's go inside, we've kept the boys waiting too long."

About the Author
 Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.


Tuesday 11 August 2015


It is called anglomoz, and it is originally a car park but it serves many purposes depending on the time of the day or the academic calendar. It was named after the two freshmen halls located around it, just adjacent to each other. Anglomoz car park is just in between the halls and serves both of them. It was the beginning of a new session, and it was 8 in the evening. And like all evenings during the beginning of new sessions, Anglomoz was filled with activities. At on end of the park, temporary sheds were set up where different stuffs ranging from undies to mattresses were sold. At the other end a couple of companies were running instant promos for their goods and dishing out prizes. The welfare arm of the Students' Union was not left out also in what seemed to be a battle for the attention of the freshers. A dude with a small stature but big voice was shouting into a megaphone that looked heavier than what his skinny arm  could carry.
"We welcome all you freshers into this great citadel of learning, the Oba Awon University, the Only Authentic University, and Africa's most beautiful campus. We congratulate you for making it to this school. Many were called but few have been chosen. You should be glad you are part of the lucky few. We are here to sensitize and inform you about Ife. The first and most important thing you should know and never forget is that Ife has zero tolerance for cultism, so if you are a cultist from wherever you've come from I advise you to reject your admission, pay another amount to JAMB and resit for UME. But this time pick Benin or Ibadan or Calabar, any school but Ife, because Ife won't give you the breathing space to perform your evil acts. Great Ife students were killed by cultist on the 10th of July 1999 because of the fight against cultism. Cultism was flushed out of the school after then. Compromising our stance against cultism now would be like walking on the graves of our martyrs. We won't........."
Pago drove into anglomoz with Kalu sitting in the front seat.
"This people always bragging about being the most beautiful campus in Africa" Pago muttered
"Well, there is some amount of truth in it, it once actually was Africa's most beautiful campus and but for the neglect it still would have been" replied Kalu.
They had both come to anglomoz for MOZ 101. MOZ 101 is the sessional rush for freshmen female students or Moz babes as they were commonly called by the males. The female freshers were thought to be young, gullible and in search of adventures, hence they fall easy preys to the rampaging male students. Anglomoz also serves as a venue for MOZ 101.
"You need to see this Teju babe Pago, she is sooooo  complete, having the right things at the right places, she is what we call in my place "a real baby oku", her gap tooth alone is ojigbijigbijigbi." Kalu said, hitting his head with both hands mimicking Baba Ajasco "I am just scared you'll snatch her from me when you see her, you always have a way with them girls and Teju will definitely fall for your charms"
"Cut the melodrama jare. Na girl dey make your blood hot like this? I am not interested in your fish, was just kidding the other time. There is always more than enough for everyone"
"Just saying ni. Why is Siji not here?"
"He said he needs to prepare for the semester, he has an appointment with a senior colleague, to get some materials and advice. The guy can be a great spoilsport, at times I wonder why he is my friend"
"Because he is smart, and you see him as a challenge, a competition"
Pago looked at Kalu as if he had just made a preposterous statement
"Don't look at me like that, I know you too well. We grew up together, remember? Competitions make you sit up. Anyways, he is good for you, he is there to constantly remind you that you are in school to study. If not for Siji, you'd be having too much fun. It would have been me, but I'm in a different faculty"
"I admit, but it's a two way thing, if not for me, he would not have a social life at all. He is just too damn serious. Do you know I asked him to come stay with me at the quarters and he refused, he prefers staying in one of the shit holes they call hostels.
"And ironically you are about to enter one of the shit holes. Maybe he is serious because he isn't an Adebantu or even an Okafor, unlike us, he can't afford to fail"
"I know, but 5.0? Who does that?"
"Siji obviously"
"I guess you're right about every point you've made Kalu. Every point but one. He may be a challenge but I don't see him as a competition"
"Like hell you don't, tell that to someone else, not me"
Pago laughed at that and Kalu joined him.
Pago could barely find a place to park the BMW, but after searching for about 5 minutes, he was able to squeeze between a Toyota corolla and a mini bus. He killed the engine and they both got out and walked into Moz.
"Are you planning to see the Queen this night Teju?" Ese asked Teju "you've spent like forever in front of that mirror"
"Queen ke? Na MOZ 101 preparatory class you dey see so"
"Shut that your mouth up Funke, before I do it for you, mafi lo mi'n dasi" Teju retorted, feigning annoyance
"Sha be careful, MOZ 101is just a first semester course I heard, that's even for those that are lucky. For many it lasts just a night or at best a week." Funke said as she walked away
"Iwo lomo, thanks, but I can take care of myself"
"Is she right? Are you going on a date this night?" Ese whispered
"My dear friend, MOZ 101 is not actually a date, not in the real sense of the word and all she said about it is right, in most cases" Teju replied "I am not into this MOZ 101 rubbish, what I'm going for is more like a date" she continued with a smirk
"What do you mean by 'more like a date'?" Ese looked at her friend, confused
"Let's just say it's kinda a little bit complicated"
"Uncomplicate it then"
"You don't give up easily, do you?"
"Just curious, is all"
"Okay, I will explain the best way I can. Kalu and I are not actually an item yet, but I have a feeling we would get there. He dare not treat me like a MOZ 101 babe"
"You seem so sure"
"I am"
"When did you meet him?"
"Last week"
"You met him just last week and you are so sure about him?" Ese asked incredulously
"I met you just yesterday, and I trust you enough to tell you about this, about him" that shut Ese up, she didn't know what to say to that. Teju continued
"I didn't even tell Funke, or the other girls I met before you. Why do you think I told you and didn't tell them? She asked and answered herself without waiting for a reply "It's because I'm good with people, I am good at reading and judging them, I have a knack for it. My instinct tells me I can trust Kalu just as it tells me I can trust you" Teju gave her friend her charming gap-toothed smile and Ese could not help but smile back.
"I know you care Ese, just as I would if the tables were turned. But don't worry your pretty head too much, I'm not losing my virginity yet, not tonight anyway. In fact I'll write a formal letter seeking your permission on the day I am going to lose it" they both burst out laughing at her joke.
"Boys on the corridor!!! Boys on the corridor!!!" They heard a girl shout outside and there was a little commotion in the room as girls who were naked and half naked rushed to cover themselves.
Ese watched the little drama with interest. She couldn't just understand why someone would be walking around the room completely naked, especially in a school where boys were allowed to enter female hostels. She hardly walked around her own room at home naked how much more a room shared by 12 girls, she couldn't even imagine herself dressed half naked in this room, except when she was just coming from the bathroom. Good thing her friend Teju shared the same sentiment, they had talked about it the previous night when Ese had asked her why some of the girls were naked and Teju had replied that some said it was because of the hot weather, even though there were fans in the room, and others had claimed they just liked being free.
Now, Teju was giving her a knowing smile. Ese was fully dressed in a pair of jean trousers and an armless top and she was lying on her bed on the lower bunk. Teju had managed to sweet talk the girl above Ese into agreeing to a swap, so both friends were both bunk mates now.
There was a knock on their door, then a male voice saying "Can boys come in"
Teju whispered to Ese "it's him, it's Kalu" then she looked around to make sure all the girls were fully covered before she answered "You can come in please"

About the author.

 Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Sunday 9 August 2015


Sometimes you get to realize you are not who you think you grew up believing you are but then, it's not the surnames that makes you but who you are on the inside. Enjoy the expose on Siji's Life.

 After finishing what seemed to be his best dinner ever that night, Ma'ami called him to sit on the bed with her. There was only one bed in the small apartment and Ma'ami slept on it, Siji would clear the room by moving the chairs back and placing the table that was in the centre of the room on one of the chairs, then get his mattress from under the bed and laid it in the space he had created for himself to sleep, then when he woke up by dawn he would fold the mattress and push it under the bed then place the table back in its position and rearrange the chairs. This night, after he had prepared his sleeping space and was about to sleep, Ma'ami called him to her side on the bed.
"You've grown into a wise and intelligent boy" she said "I think it's time you knew some things about yourself, things I have kept from you because I believed you were to young to know, now I'm convinced you've come of age, you're old enough to handle them"
"Okay Ma'ami"
"Though you call me Ma'ami, I am not your birth mother" she paused for it to sink in.
Siji was a bit shocked at what she just told him, and many questions ran through his mind. He selected the simplest of them all.
"So what are you to me Ma'ami?"
" I am your grandmother. Your biological mother was my one and only child" she paused for what seemed to be an eternity, Siji looked at her and saw that she was battling with emotions, he could see the pain in her eyes and he wanted to comfort her.
"Ma'ami, you don't have to do this now if you are not up to it, it can still wait, I can still wait"
"I will have to start from the beginning for you to fully understand, that way I'll answer most of the questions I know you must have" she continued as if he had not said anything.
"We actually come from a town called Ayedun in Ogun state. I was quite young when I married your grandfather, I can't say what my age was then as I can't say what my age is now but I was far younger than my husband. Despite the difference in age, we loved each other so much. Our only problem was my inability to conceive, my husband didn't seem to mind much but I did, so did his family. They made life so difficult for us, they wanted him to marry a second wife but he vehemently refused and stood his grounds. After staying together for many years, I began pressuring him to get another wife to at least bear him a child, because those days a man's pride were his children, men without children were not respected. After a while he succumbed just because of me and got a second wife and she immediately took in and bore him a son but this didn't reduce his love for me, in fact, it was as if it doubled it. This didn't go down well with the second wife and my in laws, consequently I faced more attacks behind his back, I became a subject of their ridicule, but I never told him.
My husband died mysteriously after some years. Up till now, I can't understand the cause of his death, but then it wasn't unusual, for people do die mysteriously those days. After his death I was kicked out of our house since I had no claim to anything because I had no child, I had no one to turn too. Luckily I had some amount stashed away. I relocated to Lagos and started the the agbo trade that I had learned from childhood. It didn't fetch me much but it sustained me. Three months after my husband's death and my relocation to Lagos I discovered I was pregnant. It came as a shock, I had thought the constant drowsiness and tiredness I was feeling were as a result of my predicament. I accepted the news with mixed feelings, it was a bittersweet feeling. I was happy that I was pregnant, that I wasn't barren after all but I was also sad because I was bringing a fatherless child into the world, I would always have this melancholic spell anytime I thought of how happy my husband would have been if he had been alive to witness it. I gave birth to a baby girl and named her Tumininu (Comfort) because I believed she had come to comfort me, and that she did.
Tumininu grew into into a lovely girl, she was so brilliant, you must have gotten that from her, she was my joy, she excelled in her academics and kept getting awards and scholarship that I don't have to spend much on her education. She soon gained admission into the university in Ibadan to study medicine. Everything was going smoothly and I thought the gods were finally smiling at me. Then Tumininu fell in love.
It was like a roller coaster, I tried cautioning her but who can talk to a girl in love? His name was Segun, and she loved him so much, from the moment I saw him, I knew there was something fishy about him but there was no way I could convince my daughter, she was so young and naive. He was much older than her and seemed to be making it big in whatever he was doing, he seemed like a perfect gentleman but I wasn't fooled, I just felt it in my guts that he wasn't for real. Tumininu and I had serious quarrels because of him, I later came to accept their relationship when I saw that it was driving a wedge between my daughter and me. I should have tried harder.
When Tumininu was in her penultimate year at the college of medicine, she  took in for Segun and that was when she got to know the kind of person he was. She was hoping he would marry her since he was already a graduate and she would be through in a couple of years. She was shocked when he asked her to abort it. She refused, she insisted she was going to have the baby whether he marries her or not. You see, Tumininu just like her father was very stubborn. When Segun saw that she wasn't bulging he confessed to her that he was a married man with two children, and his wife was pregnant with their third, he couldn't risk his marriage for her. She was so devastated by his deceit that it started affecting her academics, she came home and refused to go back to school, no matter how much I tried to make her go, she claimed she had lost the zeal to study, she was inconsolable.
He came one day with money to give her and to beg her not to let his wife hear about their affair and the pregnancy, she tore the cheque and asked him to leave. That was the last time I saw him in person.
The pregnancy was a difficult one, partly because she wasn't taking good care of herself and also because she was always mourning. We couldn't go to an expensive hospital for antenatal check ups and all that. She died giving birth to you.
It was as if she had a premonition of her death, she would always ask me to promise her to name you after your father and to give you his surname, she said she knew her child is a boy and begged me to take good care of him and not to let him make mistakes that may affect his life like she did. I promised her just to make her happy, but after her death I couldn't keep all my promises.
Though I gave you his name, Olusegun, I couldn't and still can't bear calling you the name of my only child's murderer, so I made it your third name and named you after your grandfather, my husband Adesiji. You also bear your grandfather's surname Adebambi and not your father's"
"But you promised my mum to give me my father's surname"
"Yes, I did, but I later decided that since he abandoned you, it'd be wrong for you to bear his surname, that was the only promise I didn't keep. You are Adesiji Olusegun Adebambi, the son of Adebambi and no one else's"
"What is the surname?"
"My biological father's surname?"
"I cannot remember it anymore, and what does it matter? You are an Adebambi"
he sensed she was lying but he pushed no further.
She made him promise he would continue to take his studies seriously and he did. The following day she took him to his mother's grave and he spoke to his mum, promising her that he was going to make her proud, he was going to be successful in life,he was going to take care of Ma'ami, he wouldn't let both of them down.

About the Author 
 Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Tuesday 4 August 2015


It was a time of self discovery for Siji and hey! I love the old school music, you don't hear any of those songs anywhere these days. Enjoy yourselves people.

Siji had always thought Ma'ami was his mum. She was the only mother figure he had and she had made him call her Ma'ami, meaning "my mother" in Yoruba since he was a kid. Everyone else simply called her Mama or Iya. He had noticed at a very young age that Ma'ami was different from other mothers, at least from the mothers of the other kids around. She was way older for starters, and spoke unadulterated Yoruba, which was filled with proverbs, he never heard her spoke a word in English, not even in her Yoruba which was quite unusual even among the illiterates. She always seemed to have a Yoruba word for everything. He also discovered that unlike the other mothers, Ma'ami had no husband and by implication he had no daddy. Anytime he asked of his father, she would tell him he is not in the country and when he asked further, she would become sad and moody, consequently he stopped interrogating her since he hated seeing her sad, she was all he had. He soon accepted that he had no dad or at best he had one who had gone on an unending journey. So he told himself that Ma'ami was enough for him, he needed no daddy, and he stopped worrying, at least he tried to.
They were also poorer than other families, they lived in a one-room apartment in a crowded compound, they had lived there since he could remember, Ma'ami had a shed in the market where she sold agbo (local herbs). She told Siji that agbo had always been the family business, and had been passed on from generation to generation. Siji learnt the trade well and mastered it, he could tell what leaf cures what disease and how to mix the leaves in order to boost their efficacy. They didn't make much but they made enough to make ends meet, Siji had to go to public schools right from Primary and every evening when he got home, he would hawk agbo.
Ma'ami was not educated but she knew the value of education, she helped Siji as best as she could. She would always say "Awolowo was able to achieve so much for the Yoruba, because he was educated, face your studies and one day you will be greater than Awolowo"
Siji didn't know who Awolowo was but he seemed to be a hero of some sort, especially to Ma'ami,
"Who is Awolowo Ma'ami?" He would ask and she would always reply him by saying "He was the leader of the Yoruba, and he did many great things for us, many of which we are still enjoying, he built the Cocoa House in Ibadan, made children go to school free of charge, and developed everywhere"
Her answer never satisfied his curious mind so when he was in JSS 2 he summoned enough courage to visit the school's library to read more about this person Ma'ami loved so much. He had always wanted to visit the library but he thought only the senior students were allowed in because he never saw a Junior student entering the library. Not until his English teacher had urged his class to visit the library and read books in order to improve their English. So one afternoon during break he had walked into the library and asked the librarian for any book on Awolowo. The librarian pointed to a section of the library and asked him to check, after searching for a while he saw book with the name THE HISTORY OF NIGERIA SINCE 1890, he examined the front cover and saw pictures of some men and women with their names written below their pictures, one of them was Obafemi Awolowo. Siji started reading the book then heard the ringing of the bell signalling the end of the break, he hurriedly hid the book somewhere in the library and rushed back to class. The following day, he went back and continued. He kept visiting the library during break to read the book, it took him one month to finish it. The book answered his questions and told him more, he learnt about other leaders like Ahmadu Bello and Nnamdi Azikiwe and their great deeds too. He read more books to know better, and he soon knew a lot about his country, then other countries and the world. He would run to the library everyday during break to read, he simply discovered he loved reading and he couldn't have enough.
He was also an exceptionally brilliant and a very likeable student, all his teachers took special interest in him and some would even create extra periods to tutor him. He continued to do very well in his studies. He got the overall best result in JSSCE in the state and was given N20,000 award by the government.
He rushed home happily that day to inform Ma'ami, she was so happy and proudly told anyone who cared enough to listen about it. She served him two meats that night, it was an unforgettable day for him, not only because of the award but also because of what was revealed to him later that night
Pago stepped out of Mukoyo. He checked his wrist watch and it was a quarter past the hour of 10. He had stayed longer in bed than he planned, such was the effect Cynthia had on him. It was Monday morning, the morning sun was so intense that he hurried towards his car as he wondered how those in the Sahara were surviving. He was sure he wouldn't last a day in the desert.  He had to wind down the car's windows for a while to let air come in because of the heat. He started the car, wound the windows up, switched on the air-conditioning unit, slotted in a CD into the player and Tony Tetuila's "yee! oye yeo o o o" filled the silence, then Eddy Remedy's "mi o sakomo, mio densigi, babi mi, sayo lawa yi o ooooo" and lastly Eedris Abdulkareem's  "shegedegbederegedegbagede dan iska ubanku shege, fufufu, dodododo, baby iwo nimo fefe"
Pago sang along as he drove out of New Buka, The Remedies, they were the happening guys in town.
About the Author.

Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.

Monday 3 August 2015


Its another exciting Monday, in today's episode, there is a lesson for us, never you compare yourself with anybody. Remember the son of who you are because after the fun, the rich guy has his father's inheritance to fall back on but what have you?

He smiled as he relived what happened the previous day in his mind. His movement must have woken her up because she stirred and opened her eyes
"Good morning baby, did you sleep well" she said drowsily
"Good morning sugar, surprisingly I did, giving the size of your bed, it can barely contain us both but I didn't noticed, not until now. It must have been the exhaustion. You exhaust me baby"
She smile "that's what you always say anytime you spend the night here, my bed is too small, I exhaust you, blah blah blah, yet you keep coming back"
"It's because you seem to have charmed me, I can't just stay away, even while I was away I couldn't stop thinking about you"
"And you think I'm so naive to believe that? Mr. Man I have been in this game for a while, you were probably playing video games and singing nursery rhymes when I started" she joked
He laughed out loud, her sharp mouth was one of the things he liked about her. You can't beat her in the bantering contest.
As she shifted, her backside pressed on his inner thighs and he winced
"You insatiable animal, I thought you said you were exhausted?"
"You know that guy has a mind of it's own, and it's morning, I can't keep him down in the morning"
"Not even when it's had a night full of action?"
"I guess"
"You both are impossible, and luckily for you, I'm in a pleasing mood this morning. Let's give it what it wants and relieve you of your obvious pain" she said with a glint in her eyes.
"We both will be grateful for your generosity" he grinned
She moved so that she was above him, then lowered herself unto his maleness.

The argument woke Siji up, his roommates have been arguing for like forever. They had first woken him up earlier around dawn, but he was exhausted from the previous day's stress and determined to sleep more, so he had closed his eyes hoping they would soon stop the noise. Now he is fully awake and can't even tell if he had slept for 5 minutes or 5 hours, he reached for his wrist watch under the pillow, it was 30 minutes past 9. He dragged himself to sit up on his bunk.
" if not for the godfathers in Anambra, Mbadinuju would have performed far better than Tinubu" shouted Chuka, he and Siji had met the night before.
-this is just so good- Siji thought. They were arguing about who was the better player between Zidane and Figo when he had first woken up, now it's politics. He looked up and he could count about 10 or so persons. Most rooms in Awo Hall had 3 double bunk beds and were officially meant for 6 students but with the inclusion of squatters and floaters, the number of those staying in a room was usually between ten and fifteen, it was hard to know the exact numbers because some squatters and floaters were not permanent members, they have their stuffs in one room and sleep another.
When Siji was a freshman he had stayed in Angola where it was officially 12 students per room, then he had no idea of the number of those in the room, it was not unusual to see new faces every now and then. Awolowo hall, though not good enough was a far cry from Angola hall. Pago had helped him get this space. The only students guaranteed spaces were the freshmen and those in their finals, the remaining spaces were given out in a ballot and the remaining students were left hanging to sort their accommodation out themselves, hence there were many squatters and floaters. Most of those in his room arguing were previous occupants and many of them would stay behind as floaters when the current occupants claimed their spaces. In rare cases some new occupants wouldn't show up and the would-be floater would stay on in the space. At night, all floaters and some squatters would drop their mattresses on the floor to sleep while some squatters with more accommodating "spacelords" would sleep with their "spacelords" on the bunk.
Siji's growling stomach reminded him that he didn't take anything before going to bed. He was so tired that he had only managed to shower before hitting the sack. Now he wàs very hungry, too hungry to wait to cook anything.
He had just his boxers on, he stood up in his semi-naked form and searched for his clothes, he found them on his unpacked bag, he wore his trousers and just his singlet then walked out of room as the one called Wale was saying "Kate Henshaw is ageless, it beats me why anyone in his right mind will compare Regina Askia to her? It's the highest form of disrespect"
-good, by the time I get back, they should be arguing on oranges and mangoes- Siji said to himself silently.

He  walked into the common room and headed to the multi purpose store behind the room. Some students were seated in the room watching TV.
"Can you please prepare a 50 naira worth of risky burger for me?" He asked the girl behind the counter
"You will have to wait a bit, there are about three people before you"
"OK, I will be over there watching TV, just hola at me when mine is ready"
"OK, won't you select your bread"
Siji selected a soft bread for the sandwich and went to join the others watching TV. As he was about to sit, he saw an acquaintance from home sitting at the other end of the room so he went over to say hi.
"Hello Mubarak, you didn't say you'll be coming this early when we met in lag"
Mubarak stood up and hugged him, they both were in the same department but Mubarak was a year ahead.
"It's because I didn't know as at then, actually I planned to come a week after lectures start, but then I remembered I left some stuffs behind and the person taking my space may throw them out. And I was right, when I came I met my load just outside the door, if I had been a few weeks late I probably would have lost everything.
"So where do you stay now?"
"I still stay in the room, though a floater, I managed to get enough space for my things but I sleep in Awo mosque now"
"OK, I got a space in block 7 room 9, you are welcome to come squat with me if you don't mind"
"Oh! Thanks for the offer, if they give me trouble in my room I'll bring my things over, but I may still be spending most of my time in the mosque, I'm now an exco in MSSN"
"Alfa Mubarak niyen, anyway when should I come to see you, I want to get the handouts and some of the materials you used last session, I'll also need some tips and advice about the lecturers taking each courses"
"You should give yourself a break" Mubarak teased "you are on 5.0, even if you drop, I don't think you'll drop below 4.5, you are being too serious"
"You of all people should understand Mubarak, I can't afford to mess up, I don't have that luxury"
"I know, don't mind me, was only kidding. You can come any time, if I am not in the room, I'll be at the mosque"
"Can I come to the mosque...... I mean are Christians allowed in"
"Of course, just drop your shoes at the door before entering, ask anyone you see of Alfa Mubarak. I gotta go now, I have some things to attend to. When should I be expecting you?"
"If I don't make it today, you'll see me before the week runs out, since lectures start next week"
"Okay, will sort the materials out for you, catch ya later"
They shook hands and Mubarak rushed off
Siji walked back to the store, his risky was ready, he paid for it then bought a sachet of water along with it and walked back to his room.
Thankfully the room was quiet when he got back and he met only two roommates. When he was done with his breakfast he laid on his bed and reflected on his discussion with Mubarak
-Am I being too serious?-
Mubarak had made it look as if he had no social life on campus, if only he had known. Thanks to Pago, Siji did not only have a social live, but an exciting social life. It was not as if he was exactly a saint before he met Pago, but Pago had made him do some things he never imagined he could ever do. But in everything he did, he always remembered his root and was not fool enough to compare himself with Pago, they may have the same stature and look alike as people claimed, but he knew they were still different in many ways. Siji always knew when to draw the line, he had fun in their first year but he never neglected his books, and he planned to continue in that step. Obviously Pago didn't neglect his books either.
Siji had made As in all his courses in his year one and had had a 5.0 CGPA, the highest in the faculty, followed distantly by Pago who was on 4.79, he hadn't actually aimed at having 5.0 in his first year, he had only studied hard because he knew that unlike Pago and many of the other students, he didn't have the luxury to fail, failure wasn't an option, only success, he owed it to himself, he owed it to his late mum, and most importantly, he owed it to Ma'ami.

About the Author.
Soji Adeola Ayanleke was born about 3 decades ago in Kano.
He studied Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, he speaks Yoruba and Hausa fluently and he is trying to learn Igbo and Spanish. His hobbies are reading, writing and playing some indoor games.