Tuesday, 31 May 2016

You Shall Greatly Increase!

Increase, a word so common but in this world,
It is a very scarce phenomenon.
You shall greatly increase is shouted and prophesied everyday
Yet it seem to the world that it’s a mere child’s play.
Be fruitful and multiply says the Lord but all you see is leanness and dryness
The barren woman gnashes her teeth in agony awaiting the day she will give suck to her own child
The business men look around with long faces as the profits keeps abating
The world is decaying as poverty has held it down with a firm grip.
Then I ask “Is there no balm in Gilead?” Where is the help for the daughter of Zion.
Is the Lord’s hand too short that it cannot save nor his ear too heavy that it cannot hear? But lo! Your iniquities, your selfishness, your pride has blinded you to the abundance that awaits you.
Here is the good news “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray…yes, let them seek my face and turn from their wicked ways and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour down my blessings.”
I was elated and then my word came, the word that set me free, the word that watered my dry ground and brought beauty for my ashes, the word that turned shame to glory, the word that the world saw and said “Indeed, you serve a living God” that word is here today and I can hear the Lord say this “You shall greatly increase.” Amen!
Radiant Pheobe@ 2016

Monday, 30 May 2016

Love will Cost You!

The increasing rate at which people fall in love these days is really alarming but i wonder why and how it is so easy to fall out of love.
Today, he is the sugar in the tea, honey and sweetpie but soonest, he somehow metamorphoses into the bitter leaf in your soup or the aloe vera of your life.
Secondary school students are already having love fights and they think they are old enough because they saw how beautiful the love was portrayed in high school musical.
Well i guess no one is too young or old to fall in love but a time will come where that love will be tested.
Its so easy to proclaim your love when everything is going as planned, when all you do is laugh and hug each other pretending you are acting Nigeria film.
Oya o, i will now meet the once upon a time, love crazed individual carrying a long face and has every bad thing to say about the once upon a time heart rob. Now i do not mean to demean their feelings because i know what happened. Life happened.
Life, full of its teasing and testing abilities, it comes with it's challenges and it changes people. Soon, when all the butterflies in your stomach dies, when there is no reason to smile, when all you see is lack and hunger, can you honestly say those words "I LOVE YOU?"
From experience, no human has such abilities, for with the experience of joy found in love comes the sting. Those who love the most feel the sting more.
Many fall in love and many more fall out of love. Parents fighting each other, relationship crashing, hearts are being broken and the eyes sheds bitter tears. Fingers are bitten and regrets plague every waking hour.
Why is it so painful to love?
Everyone might be asking that but it would have been great if we all are angels with no flaws or fault, if we all are perfect with no attitude, then the love will be pure and sweet and progressive but we all are plagued with weaknesses and only the God kind of love can love us enough to the end.
When you make a decision to love, be warned, it comes with a cost, sometimes it might mean giving your all.
I know someone who loved till death, His name is Jesus and today he has shed his love in our hearts by his Spirit so we, just like him can show love to each other and live in peace and harmony.
When love comes with its bill, would you be rich enough to pay the prize? Selah!
Radiant Pheobe © 2016.

Radiance with Pheobe: The Enemy Within

Hey guys, it's been a while but your girl is here again. This is Radiance with Pheobe, and today i want to shed light on something  i read earlier today and the warning was to be aware of the enemy within.
"Man rapes three years old daughter tearing her vagina through to her anus and he says it is the work of the devil."
It baffles me to hear how people shift blames on the devil, sure the devil is the root of all these evils but common! God gave man freewill, the devil is not that powerful.
How in God's name do a man lust after his own daughter, a father who is supposed to treat his girl as a princess, watch her grow and threaten those bad boys to stay off his daughter now become the devil himself who will ruin his daughter's life.
I do not know how true that is but then when the person asked mothers to watch out for the enemy especially the enemy within, i realized the world is messed up and God needs to intervene.
Its sad to see that the list of who to protect your daughter from is getting longer, first they said protect from strangers, then we heard uncles have started messing up kids and now the daddies too, oh please can someone wake me up from this sleep?
I am talking to a generation of daddies to be, a generation of men who would take responsibility for their girls. A woman cant do the work of parenting, a girl needs her daddy too or atleast a father figure but when we can't trust our girls with the daddies, who else can we trust them with.
Ladies, mothers please pray for your boys, train them in the fear of the Lord so they dont end up being a thorn in the flesh.
The boy you refuse to train now will end up the irresponsible man who blames the devil for the mess he caused.
Parenting can be tough but i know women who have conquered on their knees, women pray for your children, wives pray for your husband, secure your territory like a hen secures her chicks.
If the devil gets the blame why not keep that devil outside.
Brothers and daddies, let no devil use you as an instrument of destruction.
That poor baby is in so much pain, her father caused it. May the fear of God rule our hearts in this perverse  generation.
Funny enough not only girls are molested, our little boys too are exposed to what they have no business knowing at their tender age. Let us pray for our kids and while you pray Watch!
Till i come your way next time, i remain your host Radiant Pheobe. God bless you.
Radiant Pheobe© 2016.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Why Wait When the World is in a Hurry?

Standing at the balcony
Looking beyond what’s in sight
The buzzing city becomes an irony
For though it is full of light,
The prevailing darkness can be touched.
The traffic is heavy; the people are in a hurry
The day is busy and merchants are in their Lorries
Time waits for no one so no one wants to wait for time
Haste is the order of the day and no one waits today
Foods get done in minutes and they expect life to be lived long
Slow is evil to those with the brisk nature, fast foods, fast cars,
Fast money, even fast relationships no wonder all forms of “ships” wreck as fast as they are made.
In a world where everything is moving and everyone is on the move,
In a world where people chase things and things chase people,
In a world where competition is the ultimate and self- improvement is a price too big to be paid,
Can you in such a world just PAUSE!?
Yes your mates seems to have gone far ahead, maybe you should go back to the ancient path, were things take time to be done but when done, it out shines those that skipped the processes.
Patience is a rare virtue to be found in this generation, but when found it is cherished though it must have been despised. Selah!

Radiant Pheobe 2016.